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Dr. Sevier


Word Count: 1721    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ll of new-comers from all parts of the commercial world,-strangers seeking livelihood. The r

, besides shiploads of European immigrants, came hundreds of unacclimated youths, from all parts of the United State

nobility rightly attributable to emigration itself in the abstract. It was the cutting loose from friends and aid,-those sweet-named temptations,-and the going forth into self-appointed exile and into dangers known and unknown, trusting to the help of one's own right hand to ex

ced to fall upon a young man of attractive appearance, glancing stranger-wise and eagerly at signs and entrances while he moved down the street. Twice, in the moment of the Doctor's enforced delay, he noticed the young stranger make inquiry of the street's more accustomed frequenters, and that in each case he was directed farth

s still reading the anxious lines left in various handwritings on his slate, when the young man entered. He was of fair heigh



ill; can I get you to c

her ph

ed any; but we m

s is my hour for being in the office.

egan to add a faltering enumeration of some very grave symptoms. The Doctor notic

hings on shelves; "that's a small part of the penalty women pay for the doubtful honor of being our mothers. I'll go. What is y


king them altogether, found it necessary, or at least convenient, to employ continuously the services of a person to keep his accounts and collect his bills. Through the open door the book-keeper could be seen sitting on a high

s," said the Doctor. "Come, Mr. --

meditative inhalation, turned half round on his heel, dashed the remnant with fierce emphasis into a spittoon, ejected tw

by letter. In the word "right" he substituted an a for the r, sounding it almo

ch some men find in the renewal of a promissory note, twined his legs a

age was hurrying a

ician's companion, "I don't

a was gnawing him just then with fine energy.

fter he had spoken, breathed with compressed lips, and winked savagely

swered with bett

o you p

th a tremulous, but triumphant, hauteur, as though it must cover the physician with mortification. Th

surprise, then turned his eyes away again as if he

you had haggled

said the other,

r waved h

up, if y

wearing a look of impatient embarrassment. He still extended the piece

ctor," he said. He got

cquainted," repl

lip, and protested, by an uncons

-and he turned

pped an eagle's s

e medicine on th

Reasons are better than rules, my old professor used to say. I am here without friends

you at all; any

iled with a baffled air, seemed once or twice about to

by a look of boyish pleasantness,-"I'll not ask you to take pay in advance, but I will ask you to take care of this mone

d in my bill." The Doctor folded arms and appeared to giv

ct to epil

Was it drink, or gambling, or a confidence game? Or was it only vanity, or a mistake of inexperience? He turned his head unexpectedly, and gave the s

the other, but

so his actions were right, he rather liked them to bear a hideous aspect: that was his war-paint. There was that in the stranger's attitude that agreed fairly with his own t

you, this is your way,"-he dropped the g

bed his knee with his somewhat too delicate hand.

ve got the principles of

the other, taking his

u lack is the practice." The Docto

e, it may be, than he felt, and pre

de; Number 40;" a

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1 Chapter 1 * * *2 Chapter 2 THE DOCTOR.3 Chapter 3 A YOUNG STRANGER.4 Chapter 4 HIS WIFE.5 Chapter 5 CONVALESCENCE AND ACQUAINTANCE.6 Chapter 6 HARD QUESTIONS.7 Chapter 7 NESTING.8 Chapter 8 DISAPPEARANCE.9 Chapter 9 A QUESTION OF BOOK-KEEPING.10 Chapter 10 WHEN THE WIND BLOWS.11 Chapter 11 GENTLES AND COMMONS.12 Chapter 12 A PANTOMIME.13 Chapter 13 "SHE'S ALL THE WORLD."14 Chapter 14 THE BOUGH BREAKS.15 Chapter 15 HARD SPEECHES AND HIGH TEMPER.16 Chapter 16 THE CRADLE FALLS.17 Chapter 17 MANY WATERS.18 Chapter 18 RAPHAEL RISTOFALO.19 Chapter 19 HOW HE DID IT.20 Chapter 20 ANOTHER PATIENT.21 Chapter 21 ALICE.22 Chapter 22 THE SUN AT MIDNIGHT.23 Chapter 23 BORROWER TURNED LENDER.24 Chapter 24 WEAR AND TEAR.25 Chapter 25 BROUGHT TO BAY.26 Chapter 26 THE DOCTOR DINES OUT.27 Chapter 27 THE TROUGH OF THE SEA.28 Chapter 28 OUT OF THE FRYING-PAN.29 Chapter 29 "OH, WHERE IS MY LOVE "30 Chapter 30 RELEASE.-NARCISSE.31 Chapter 31 LIGHTING SHIP.32 Chapter 32 AT LAST.33 Chapter 33 A RISING STAR.34 Chapter 34 BEES, WASPS, AND BUTTERFLIES.35 Chapter 35 TOWARD THE ZENITH.36 Chapter 36 TO SIGH, YET FEEL NO PAIN.37 Chapter 37 WHAT NAME 38 Chapter 38 PESTILENCE.39 Chapter 39 "I MUST BE CRUEL ONLY TO BE KIND."40 Chapter 40 "PETTENT PRATE."41 Chapter 41 SWEET BELLS JANGLED.42 Chapter 42 MIRAGE.43 Chapter 43 RISTOFALO AND THE RECTOR.44 Chapter 44 SHALL SHE COME OR STAY 45 Chapter 45 WHAT WOULD YOU DO 46 Chapter 46 NARCISSE WITH NEWS.47 Chapter 47 A PRISON MEMENTO.48 Chapter 48 NOW I LAY ME-49 Chapter 49 RISE UP, MY LOVE, MY FAIR ONE.50 Chapter 50 A BUNDLE OF HOPES.51 Chapter 51 FALL IN!52 Chapter 52 BLUE BONNETS OVER THE BORDER.53 Chapter 53 A PASS THROUGH THE LINES.54 Chapter 54 TRY AGAIN.55 Chapter 55 "WHO GOES THERE "56 Chapter 56 DIXIE.57 Chapter 57 FIRE AND SWORD.58 Chapter 58 ALMOST IN SIGHT.59 Chapter 59 A GOLDEN SUNSET.60 Chapter 60 AFTERGLOW.61 Chapter 61 "YET SHALL HE LIVE."62 Chapter 62 PEACE.