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In Doublet and Hose: A Story for Girls

Chapter 7 CHAPTER VI

Word Count: 1712    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


e Queen of Scots was gratifie

ave heard of Mary's keeper, Sir Amyas Paulet, be true. If he be not so strict as report hath it, access to

t still let me s

. But now farewell for a season. When I return w

ld I not go forth to the place 57 where stood the

a moment before replying,

ruth a maid, and to demean thyself in accordance therewith. But still as thou dost wear the habit, more of liberty may be given thee

eem me worthy to abet thy enterprises. I will so bear myself

"Thou leavest me with no regret that thou

re she stood watching him until he was lost to view. Then drawing her 58 cloak about her she l

he girl for some time, but at length becoming weary,

cannot be a great while ere he returns. Therefore

road ran to Chartley. On and on she walked, the road turning and winding until at length it

t the other. "My faith, but either stretches forth invitingly. I have i

ked up startled. From behind a bend in the road to the right there came at full gallop a party consisting of several men and a lady. Francis was so amazed at t

o do? Stay thy hand, I command. Knowest

peal of laughter as the lad

ng self-destruction. Life holds too much of promise to end it now. I was but wondering which of these t

n the laugh, and

aid. "And what would

," but she caught herself in time. None must know of his journey there, and

Mary," she answered aft

awn near during the above colloquy. "And may I as

s harsh address and rude bearing. "I have n

other brusquely. "Of nothing, I trow. Not even i

ot becoming in thee to taunt Mary Stuart with the miserable state to wh

y's face she darted to her side and seizing her hand she kissed it fervently. "Oh," she cried, "if thou art Mary,

filled with tears and she pre

o know that there are some who still hold Mary in reverence. Take this and

a locket which she threw over the girl's head. With an exclam

eclared. "But may I not wait upon you at your cas

s with a meaning look tha

thy wish, boy, and obtained what was doubtless thy object: a chain for a kiss, a locket for an obeisance. It pays to give

ose to the lady's side as she could

of Mary's horse and turned the animal from the

e protests of her uncivil guardian. "We thank thee for thy homa

ng upon one knee and saluting her.

the treatment, 63 almost unseating the lady, able horsewoman though she was. The animal then dashed away fol

t of sight Francis took

ise my father. How beautiful is the locket, and how full of gracio

ard Stafford unmindful of the fact th

aughter; the sun was declining in the west when, disc

r Mary as the tower itself would be. When I sought admission to its gates I was refused and threatened, forsooth. The manor is surround

ely, though there was exultat

ed Lord Stafford in surprise. "How co

Francis laughed gleefully. "Se

and locket in his hands

e name, Marie R, engraved upon it. "Thou hast accompli

t had happened. Lord St

lizabeth by treating Mary with rigor. Mary is quick of wit, and I doubt not that this will put

ence of youth. "To-morrow I will again repair to

o harm to be there. We will try to get the letters to her, but if we do not succeed then must Ba

ver fear," said Fran

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