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In Doublet and Hose: A Story for Girls


Word Count: 1804    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he village of Lyndhurst. The wood was a part of a large demesne which had at one time been bordered by hedges of yew and holly, but

er and olive made doubly bright by the dark gloom of the firs. Wide-branched oaks were intermingled with beeches and copsewood of various 8 descriptions so closely

ronze. In the bracken wild roses rioted in the richest profusion; the foxglove blazed like pillars of fire through the shadowy underwood and the woodbine flaunted its tall head proudly among the leaves. A gentle breeze rustled the

louder grew the baying, and soon from out of the purplish shade of the tre

e sward under a wide-spreading oak. "I have breath to fo

, and once more quiet reigned in the wold. Prese

urn curls from a broad, low brow. "Marry! I fear t

but fifty years of age seemed much older. His doublet and hose were of some dark stuff and his short cloak was surmounted by a

rly each day. 10 Thou art as unthinking as the butterfly, else t

girl as she hastened to relieve him of the crossbow that he held. "Thy pardon, Master H

. "But 'twere meeter for a maiden to embroider, or to play the vi

y mother instruct me in the tent and cross-stitch each day? Besides doth not even

a, in contraria currunt,'"[A

n, I did but ill in

led me a sorry chase and we are far from the Hall. If I mistake not,

red deer with which it abounds, and that we h

entertained by the daughter of Lord William

ingly. "Should one stray in our p

for this was a favorite theme, "once it was my good hap to pass some time at Broadgate, her father's seat in Leicestershire, and never have I seen her like for love of learning. Greek, Latin,

her eye that softened the harshness of her tone. "Wouldst have me beheaded? Yet it ma

e old man softened involuntarily as he gazed into

exion was of creamy fairness; her features regular, her eyes dark and luminous; her whole expression full of winsomeness; but there was a sp

at of the Lady Jane's," went on 13 the tutor. "Yet I do n

her feet. "I hear the hounds. Look

e. The noble animal's strength was almost spent. His mouth was embossed with foam and large round tears were dropping from his eyes. With a motion that was at on

her bow and let fly a bolt as the tut

irl! Knowest thou

second arrow, sent with unerring precision, imbedded 14 itself in the deer's body. As the stag fell, a lad of some sixte

ly, "I have slain the deer. Could thy Lady

was mine own bolt that did the deed. Behold for t

ew him. This one is mine, and thou seest that it alone hath en

by a girl? See for thyself, mistress. The two are not an inch apart. The point is only which did the deed. O

nswered 15 Francis with passi

to the tutor, "didst mark that the sta

ll taken," quoth Master Hugh. "But a truc

s the hunting party drew near, but the boy and girl were so

alty," began the lad, but on

rry be not slain! What

arted forward

e thy knife, I pray thee,

ag, thou shalt break the jail. Knowest thou not that

lty? My father, Lord William 16 Stafford, will requite the

d the youth looked with amusement at th

a maiden do such a thing? She

seech you," cried Francis,

there be penalty, 'twere meeter for me to suff

r thee, Francis. I will speak to thy father concerning the

make the foresters attend her. "'Twas I

themselves about the cutting up of the deer. With a burst of ang

one error they fall

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