Revenge of the Heart
4: it's
ette in his fingers. "Luca, trash that shit"Caleb said, his voice firm and authoritative. Luca sighed before passing the cigarette to his mate."Now C'mon" Caleb ordered walking away with me following behind."Evening Janet, evening Lucy" Caleb greeted the two old ladies who sat in front of their house as we walked pass. "Good evening Janet, evening Lucy" I greeted too."Evening Caleb, evening Mercedes" one greeted."Fine evening to you too, say me well to your mother" the older one said. "Caleb my man. How's it going?" A man from across the street waved at Caleb."Pat" Caleb waved back."All good" he smiled at him.The dimly lit street had young boys playing football in the middle of the street, the street light like spot light on them. Girls in different pairs gisting, and older guys gathered, Playing loud music, smoking and drinkingThe street was just filled with set of people doing one thing or another.Luca jogged to us zipping up his jacked before dipping his hands into his jacked pocket."Sup fam" he licked his lips."What was you doing holding a cigarette back there?" Caleb asked his voice thick and firm. Luca, unable to answer."Luca?" Caleb stopped walking, causing I and Luca to also stop walking. I sensed there was going to be an outburst soon."Do you now smoke?" Caleb was getting furious."Not like it's your problem" Luca was nonchalant.Caleb hissed grabbing Luca from the back of his neck ready to hit him."Hey hey hey, let the boy be. You'll hurt him" an old man seated on a chair outside his house, interfered.Caleb's rage filled eyes piercing into Luca's. Caleb slowly released Luca, his expression slowly turning normal."Be careful Luca" Caleb warned and continued walking while we followed behind. I looked at Luca who returned the look.~~~Prinston's college l~~~Walking in the hallway with Luca."Vinnie said we have 48hours to retrieve that package, what's the plan?" I asked causing Luca to abruptly stop, turning to me."We?" He asked "You're not coming with Mercedes." "Why?""Because it's dangerous and you have no experience.""But I'm part of the team." Luca pinched the skin between his brows. "Listen to me, let this mission pass. You'll join us on our next mission" "Hey Luca" Lincoln called, Luca left to meet LincolnI'm not letting any mission pass, I'll go to that warehouse with them_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -I snuck out of the house, making sure not to wake mom and Caleb. I had been planning this, and I was determined to join Luca and his friends on their mission.I made my way to the abandoned warehouse on the o