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A Son of the Immortals


Word Count: 5114    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e heavy pieces of furniture into position behind the door. She was not fully alive as yet to the real menace of the gesticula

se by sending him to her without warning. She strove to utter some words of greeting. Before she could speak, Alec's arms were around her, and he was kissing her lips, her forehead, her hair. She saw him as through a mist. Her first fleeting impression w

g ardor of his embrace, the magnetic force that leaped the intervening space while yet they were separated by half the length of the room,-the

ened her, and she was endeavoring to subdue its too sensuous expression when Beaumanoir opened the door, to close it again hurriedly. She recovered her faculties slowly. She was still quivering under the stress of that mo

in a dressing bag in case of illness. Joan, glad of the pretext to do some common

she cried. "Felix is ill, and I want to ge

ily, though he did not fail to pull the table clear of the cupboard. "What is it, my Humming B

e thinly. "During three whole days I have done naught but think,

hat caused your alarming exercise of brain power. Already you have bother

hat, and you will soon feel

o be called anything but that after

said she with a te

gh the window over Poluski's shoulde

you told me that Stampoff's man Bosko

lways fou

He is making a speech to the mob and tearing off his

'Oui, monsieur,' or 'Non, monsieur,' which is all the

e four clustered in the one deep recess, for the thick walls of this old building were meant to defy extremes of heat and cold. By this time one of the two orderlies ha

iously with his heels. A man who had narrowly escaped being kicked drew a revolver, fired, and the spirited Arab fell with a bullet in its brain. The d

oan, and two of the men muttered expressions o

age that convulsed his face when the Arab dropped dead at his

y offering to lead his own horse out of harm's way, an

dow, and a fierce yell proclaimed the King's presence. Bosk

Alec, bending double an

om the ceiling, and the crackle of shots below showed that revolvers were p

e is gulling your beloved subjects, Alec. He realizes that trouble is brewing, and he means to steal off and bring help. Fortunately, my brave So

ho is he?"

pledged you to buy him a café in W

" said Beaumanoir; "these

toms, and shattering the ceiling on the other side of the room.

nnot reach us here," he said. "I have one unknown protector, it seems, and I feel sure that Felix is right about Bosko. The only drawback is that o

delay, I told him to ask f

t Pr

little gray man! You don't know that Princ

e room and imbedded itself in the inner wall. The heroes of the Seven

ved that he had ridden straight from the review ground to the universi

ris; in the same train, that is. We all arrived at Delgratz th

for the best," he said. "Nothing surprises me now, not even this," and he nodded cheerfully

le would drive a bullet through. The door creaked and strained under the pressure of the mutineers' shoulders. Had it not been reinforced by the solid sideboard and

e no pretense of requesting a hearing for their grievances. They had planned to shoot him in cold blood while he and his three companions were momentarily delayed by the barrier of the bullock cart in front of the corner café. Balked of t

hen the door resisted their utmost efforts. Joan tried to

red. "They know that assistance may arrive

men armed?" ask

on; though it is true that I entered Delgratz with a sword in my hand," he added, remembering with

the panels are broken, which will happen just as soon as these high spir

ted her once the door gave way. Concealment was usel

leg of a chair?"

. Joan, please crawl past the window and stand upright in the corner close to the wall. You follow, Alec. I go next, and this young gentleman, who must be Lord Adalbert Beau

dow and offer a fair target to the men in the houses across the street. When he fell the shooting from that quarter would cease. Then, acting on his precise instructions, Beaumanoir and Felix must lift Joan through another

ed, and that would be soon. In all likelihood, he had not much

en what Pallas Athene said to Perseus? It is not so long ago, that morning in the Louvre. But why did you run away from Paris? Why have you not wri

e to read her secret soul, and she swept aside any thought of concea

simply. It was be

d that I am here

We still have a remote chance," he went on

for one year of happiness, one short year--" She choked, and the tears so bravely repressed hitherto dimmed her glorious eyes. Her piteous

entarily deaf to all else than the one supreme fact that each loved the other. He sighed, and

" he said. "I want t

igh time I said my

uproar of the mob. Felix was singularly unmoved by the bestial din. He evidently cared naught for the continuous shooting from street

or the King to know what we are doing. They will be wise after the event, not before, which is often the better part

nd and grinned. "If asking will

Inside were four cigar shaped cylinders, each studded with a number of tiny knobs. He withdrew a cylinder, a

conditions. "Each cigar is a bomb, warranted to clear any ordinary room of its oc

d Beaumanoir, shrin

thumb and second finger, thus, and poise it by placing the tip of the first finger behind it, thus; but you must throw hard, and wait until the upper part of the door is smashed, and y

ly contrivance as if fascinated by it. He could ret

tand?" demande

s it-er-Russi

t the Internationa

e door. Another and anothe

ning from Joan and stoo

e, I am busy,"

to draw the enemy's fire. When I am hit, you and Beaumanoir must tak

power. Please don't talk nonsense. Keep in your

or jest! Look, you madman, the door is splitting! Is Joan to die

rulers. Where Alec was concerned, the bomb ought to remain a trade secret, so to speak. He would not have trusted even Beaumanoir with its properties had he not known that his own

am King here, not you! Keep yourself and Joan out of harm's way, and don't interfere! Stand flat against the wall, both

ess was so convincing that the King could not choose but believe that some scheme that offered salvation was in train. But it might fail! The door might be forced before his own desperate alt

luski; for Beaumano

ground, his free left hand flew out and grasped the wrist behind one of the pistols. He pulled

p gap now plugged the first hole made by the ax wielders, while th

his victim howled most dolorously. He

e cried. "If it is still loaded

w, became livid; but nothing happened, and he snatched the bomb from its dangerous resting place. Then

about to search for a crack in the door through which he could fire at least on

fervent prayer that death might be merciful in its haste; but she was not afraid; that storm of tears had been succeeded by a spiritual exaltation that rescued her from any ignoble panic. Yet her senses were strained to a tension far

ioning look in his face, she smiled at him with a ra

ies are running away. Listen! they are fighting now on the stairs. The unhappy m

nd not one potvaliant marksman of them all was to be seen; but the street was full of hussars, and directly beneath, mounted

and leaned out. "Just in

d. "Here is the King safe and sound. At them, my children

ec. "No more slaug

had been unable to take any part in the street clearing, since the mob broke a

. "Don't harm anybody who does not resi

rangely akin to tigers when they see red, and the tiger's roar when he pounces on a victim differs greatly from his own death scream. Alec,

able to make my voice heard through the r

m, and a body fell on th

it run through him. He shook like a pony under the spur. And you're wrong, you know. This gang must b

If you young gentlemen will be good enough to remove the barricade and give orders to have the passage cleared, I can go back to the cup of coffe

break down now, sweetheart," he cried. "All danger is over, and, wit

you and I should die to-day. We have things to do in the world, you and I; but those horri

the Pont Neuf. It did not seem to be in the least remarkable that the statue should leap from his horse and

nly never have been blotted from her mind had she remained conscious. Stampoff's commands had been obeyed, and the place reeked

citizens who were now threatening a riot of curiosity and alarm, since the news had gone round that the King was

around the King, opened her eyes. "Where am I?" she whispered, delightfully ignorant of the

e here in a moment, and they will take you to her in a carriage. You cannot re

she asked, scanning his


aid, and the cloud descend

as nearly incoherent with fright; but Felix managed to reassure her, and piloted

e served to complete the illusion insisted on by Poluski, and Pauline rejoined her mistre

hed Stampoff and wrung his hand. "It was a near thing, General," he

nch, and Beauma

the finest assortment of bombs.-By the way, where is the bally thing? I'

nd Alec, scarcely understanding him, a

Office like a madman. Had any other brought the s

a waiter from this hotel,

s I rode past. I noted that especially. By the way, Prince Michael is here; came this morning, I am told. The Princess

slight delay was unavoidable. I shall see you at dinner to-night, and I suppose you will clear the city of these idiots of the Sevent

Thirty years ago I should hav

anaged it I do not know as yet; but to-night you shall hear the whole story. At present, i

mounted a troop horse and rode away with B

of another color! What will Prince and Princess Delgrado say now, I wonder? What will Kosnovia say, when it is in every man's mind that you should marry a Serb? A

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