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A Son of the Immortals


Word Count: 4771    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e had to say in the bald language of a telegram. Merely to announce her departure from Paris would put her in the false position of having accepted

ssionist to a degree. It was evident, then, that he not only possessed her address, as shown by the letter, but knew of her absence. So she reasoned that if he did not hear from her within forty-eigh

of rushing into a union that might imperil his career. In the depths of her heart she confessed herself proud and happy at the prospect of becoming his wife; but she would never conse

and more, Joan said to Felix Poluski, and the little man had nodde

a well-known dealer in the Rue St. Honoré, and thenceforth disappeared from the transaction. Joan herself entered into the necessary business arrangements, about which there was nothing hidden or contraband. The terms proposed were liberal, considering her poor status in the art world; but they were quite straight

ed at the notion that she, an unknown student, should have suddenly become a pawn in the game of empire. There was an element of daring, almost of peril, in the adventure that fascinated her. It savored of those outlandish incidents recorded in novels of a sensational type, wherein fur coated, sallow faced, cigarette smoking scoundrels plotted the dest

ve the top of his head, and the girl was conscious, though she resolutely closed her eyes to the fact, that the admiring glances wi

atz. Their talk dealt with art and artists, and Joan had a go

. "Behold, then, the beginn

ng of suspicion, since her queer little friend

t are greens and browns that are reds. In a word, the study of nature inclines one toward truth, whereas art is essentially a gracious lie. That is why the Greeks wer

de so tha

them painted, th

red times, nor

e better paint

the sam

ound of her mirth seemed to st

hich, on analysis, seemed to arise from puffy cheeks and thick, sensual lips. He said something that caused his companion to turn and look at Joan;

sessing features. Both women were too well bred to stare, and Joan instantly brought her wits to bear on Poluski's quip; but that fleeting glimpse had thrilled her with subtle rec

at you really mean,

belle. That is why

nter who ca

a devil rath

ek standard. Your Whistler never achieved fame until he stopped repr


pher; for even the camera can be given the artistic kink by the toucher-up. Have you forgotten, then, the rage of a stolid

instance," and here her voice sank a little, "it might not be altogether gratifying to my

it. It will serve

. "Wait a little. We ha

ative audience, if only you could m

driving at? Pl

r there?" and he twisted eyebrows and mou

what o

u know


ven th

e of some one-

d be keener. True, there is nothing feminine about Alec, and he

re you in

none other than Prince and Princess Michael Delgrado. You will discover no prophecy of Alec

e color ebbed from her cheeks. "Are they

l the tiny furrows of our separate existences are converging on the Danube. We are like ships fore

knew of this why di

d I hate Kings; but it is decreed that you shall be a Queen, s

train at the nex

, it is only fit and proper that his

gs in the Place de la Sorbonne. What will Princess Delgrado think, now that she has seen me here, rushing off to Delgratz the instant I was summoned? Felix, I must return to Paris. Hap

yourself at Alec's head, and I shall have the hinter dynamited. No, no, my Joan, we may yield to higher powers; but we do not abandon our pilgrimage because it is shared by an old scamp of a father whose sole anxiety is to fleece his son. Come, now, finish your dinner in peace, and let me explain to

t was easy to tune the voice to such a note that it must be inaudible to those at the adjacent tables; but Poluski seemed to be careless whether or not he was overheard, and the girl fancied that Princess D

n you have smoked a cigarette. By that time I shall have recover

won his throne. He is all heart. Those who paved the way for him were all brain. They plotted, and contrived, and spun their web with the murderous zeal of a spider; bu

ir identity. Even the brown-liveried attendants did not give them any more attention than was bestowed on the other passengers, and the gi

ss?" she asked, scanning Poluski's wrinkled face t



kendown royalties in Paris, and picture, if you can, the scowl of disbelief that would cloud the official features of the Gare de l'Est if Prince Michael asked for a special train to Delgratz; booked

ames would b

d gentleman who sat at the opposite tab

monsieur. Sha

they were the moment we left Paris. I saw them on the platform, and the absence of any display showed that the

n a land of dreams," she sighed. "I do not

tain we should go to Delgratz, I sought him and heard the latest news. Your Alec means to economize. He has promulgated the absurd theory that the people's taxes should be spent for the people's benefit, and he says that no King is worth m

e. It is a simple bit of arithmetic: if a King, who works like a horse, is to receive only five thousand a year, what is the annu

had to laugh, and Felix bent

t will fawn or snarl as it thinks best fitted to its own ends; but help or pity? Never! Its votaries in Delgratz will strive to rend Alec when they realize that their interests are threatened. We must be there, you and I, you to aid him in winning the fickle mob, and I to watch those secret bu

the eyes of the Virgin I looked into a heaven of achievement, and I care not what the means so long as good re

ch he had scoffed a few minutes earlier, Felix leaned back in his ch

n indignant German. Joan, too wrathful for mere words, dared not rush away instantly to her compartment, though she would have given a good deal at th

n-clamped syllables of Teutonic protest, and sh

, though the girl looks an American. But,

you?" she manage

e who appreciate good music. If you don't mind, I'll give them Bé

ng train threw her from side to side of the corridor during a

to enthusiastic plaudits and cries for "More!" he lit a long thin

it?" s


night, Felix.

reates wrinkles. Look on

elody, but grinning the while, and if

t waked up to that astonishing fact. Now, why did the good God give me a big heart

ate some meals there as best she could, and kept Felix at arm's length so far as confidence or counsel was concerned. On the platform a

d that touch of condescension with which a society leader knows how to dilute her friendliness when addressing a singer or musician. "My hu

t know Monsieur Poluski often take him for an operatic artiste. He is a painter. He sings onl

glish as to the manner born. "Some one said you were Polish. I doubted my

ictures," said Joan. "Indeed, we are now bo

rbed at present that it is the last place in the world I should ha

r interest. It was impossible to regard one whom she now believed to be an American like herself as being in any way concerned with the intrigues that centere

he contents of that exceedingly plainspoken epistle now reposing in her

o drive Alec out of the kingdom, and I am really

flinging back of rebellious hair that Alec was thinking of whi

onnoisseurs care little for politics. To them a new Giotto is vastly more importa

wife had made the acquaintance of the charming unk

urish, "I feared we had lost the p

s young lady is visiting Delgratz for art purposes. The gentleman

luski," s

hough a scorpion had found

hat name; but he was fond of using strange c

ong the crowd on the platform like a child. He appeared now

when you and I used to spout treason together, you because you hungered after a dynasty, and I because I preferred dynamite. Odd thing, bot

nce before when a man spoke of the perils that hedge a thro

me and gone as you pleased any time during these thirty years. If any one is feared here, it is I.

not recollect. Yo

to look at. Well, who goes t

other in mute surprise, and Joan was grieved beyond measure that Felix should treat Alec's father with such scant court

le. Forgive me for saying it, but your son knows him well, and is very fond of him, and

o you also


met him


r seen you at th

din's, and someti

that you are com


arly frank looking and attractive girl. "Will you tell me your name?" she said, t

n Ve

dle to ask, but yo

y to be for a

ng that women could find so much

"I hope to see you at din

nts were dim and not to be grasped. Over and over again she regretted the impulse that led her to take this journey. Felix, as friend and artistic tutor, was invaluable; but in the guise of mentor for a young woman who had her own way to make in the world, a

define them. And Felix dined alone, and smoked in dumb reverie, and when Prince Michael, warmed with wine and cheered by the

g to think, just as you live to eat. At present, there isn't a note in the box. Now, if madame can spare you, just

enerally mean times one would rather forget. Au 'voir, M'sieur Poluski. We sha

to strange company, Monsei

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