r than the present, had that insane grin on his lips, with the red moon of this night bearing the same devilish gri
ht Wolf - the emblem of the Balkyre Family. The bells of this town tolled themselves as midnight approached and the grin of this man widened as his prey became closer. Stopping befo
ly - trying to, one could say, with another man seated at the oth
vited me to your mans
ous night still in her eyes, "Balkyre Fang is really a
played with the wine in his glass, "let's see how much of
her third subordinate, "from what I'v
sn't have a weakness." Barzak
t that banquet table, only staring at the one who was seated at the head of it, "I am a descendant of yours", Lord Ra
ming to be my descendant, but threatening to take the first sword o
g that purple quail from his robes and waving it into the air, he transformed everyone in
anquet stared at the noble prince speaking with the black sheep of the family, "not only can I help you gain t
e of granting me control over the ent
yre Fang said, "if I said I was going to give you the ends
s his whip lashed at the air like a writhing snake, the flar
claws, that aureole of red lightning falling from the the thundering skies st
ark flames.", Lo
you must be ready to face its wrath, because I'm not sure th
", Lord Raven repeated smi
ugh the distance, leaping into the air, he made a mig
pire with the gaze of the victor star
ng Balkyre Feron into a fading mass of dust, with the falling blade of dark flames flying i
earance of this banquet hall transformed
ark being appearing behind Lord
eing, "I can achieve my objective without playing a bit with history's fabrics.", w
the dark being challenged, "your ac
fter me !" Lord Raven
rewriting itself", Arch Sage Varna said, "sisters !" she yelle
lternating ideograms before her flared brigh
ed, "that would make even the Erama tr
ot doubt you but, you must first show me what you are capable of by how you h
rom you soon my friend", th
prince is now friends with my younger brother and he
him ?" Ludgar asked standing beside
ing this banquet ceremony", Erva said, "if he
he failed." Lu
fore us is the ghost of
r Mcvaller said smiling as he discussed with the head of the Balkyre family at
Desmator continued, "is now lying in
man", Balkyre Fang said as he watched the
his pocket, Fang concluded, "because the
ring skies. Stretching his right hand forward, Lord Raven placed the scroll on the surface of this wall. The wall shone brighter than before as it con
orm within the burning clouds, their hands running anticlockwise at an insa
has been changed." Lord Raven sig