in this bar. But there was one who was at the centre of it all, he was the cause of all this commotion and steering the drunken mi
handle, "come on lads", he steered the spirits of the men at the bar, " even the king of
re Mor !" Th
ed throwing both hands into the air with wine spi
master Fang ?" One of the
s son, I am", he swaggered as he took a sip from
L SON !!!" The men
I think you are more fit to be the du
e bar hailed, "BALKYRE F
le, when I can steal enough money without having to sweat a single day. Why bother myself
er Fang", one of the male v
g that after my father's demise I shall inherit a part
NG !" The men at
ought a bottle of wine with a bronze cap to fang, "I shall reward y
ang opened it with his mouth. The foam frothed
Centuria. A bottle for everyone, drink to your
rds of the royal family to keep a constant eye on a fool." One of the
has his reasons which we can't
res walked past them quietly leaving the bar without anybody
blood", the first
", the seco
mused, "Mistress Theonis' per
hide and seek game isn't s
the second guard analyzed, "she too has her suspi
g into the dimly lit interior of the chariot, the outline of a female vampire could be seen seated with a fancy fan
ng suspicious ?", The w
your younger brother, Balkyre Fang, m
Fang, what does that mean ?" Theonis a
also watching over Balkyre Fan
nd what would make his majesty in
hman said, "it's the same reason as yo
" Theonis replied Arman, her fir
said Dartor the second henchman, a v
et he's stalking a black sheep of the family. None of the other princes would associate themselves with a waste like Fang, they wou
st we do madam Theo
attention when it comes to a waste Like Fang ? But if the prince turns Fang into a threat, then I'm afraid", Theonis bit
sing of the Bill of Five Annexations." Sa
e was supposed to wield as much power to do whatever he pleased, but that wasn't the case. Having a second and a third
er", prince Artor replied,
rs of the upcoming generations of dark creatures. They ruled the und
m Theonis", said the thi
e to my humble mansion his royal h
e", the prince said,
reta", Theonis replied, "it's noth
a Balkyre makes it even more unbelievable, hypocriti
ed, feigning denial, "why would
ning with the intense fire of a hawk, "it's a well known fact that throughout the entire