t with her almost everywhere,even when Uncle Charlie called for a family di
eyebrow,kept the book he was holding and rais
sked her,she to
ege and we decided to have k
He asked hi
She explained quite irrita-ted at his s-illy questi
"She widened her ey
ng to an-noy her,he packed h
where to go and where not to?" She
to a sly smile when he said it,s
hild for to save his poor a-ss from dying,there's nothing more than that." She y
ie, a whole lot more to that." He said
own,open at the back to a near waist level,a slit at the front,from the bottom to her thigh.She wore a black
came downstairs, the light was out,it was a creepy sight cause she's sca-red of the d
lle sitting on the couch with brandy in his hand.He stood up from the couch and st
ammered, he ran his hand throu
Family for more stories and updat
s, or a guy wearing this." He traile
,he smells of brandy,so she wanted to move
t going put with a guy." She cri
He said louder, cold sh
ns6equences of defiling m
his index finger on her lips,trailed it to her chest and down
bed Ber hand and dragged her with him,s
g me." He dragged her upstair to his
id crying but he wasn't paying attention to her,
t's talk this..."he plac
have merc
bigger and stronger, he ki-ssed her with passion but on an-ger,an-ger that she tried to go out when he said she shouldn't go,anger that she has no feelings for him aft
rescue but no one did,Deville controls the affair of the house and no one has right to ta
then kis-sed her to her navel,she continued crying and wriggling but he held her down,her cry didn't make him
" He muttered to her hearing and bent his
y, he th6ruster with all his strength and she cried, she was in pains but Deville in
gathered the little strength in her, stood up and staggered out of Deville's room,she was bædly brui-sed and her whole body was in pa-in,she cried her way to her room.She got off the remaining pieces of her shredded clothes and staggered to the bathroom,s
ed downstairs,thanks to the sleeping security man,she took the key opened the door and left,throwing the key back inside and left,