The concubine's daughter
n getting there , she met Lucia with a duke . They seemed to be in a
e of her handmaidens asked directing
inaudible words . Her blood boiled and all she could think of at
, her second handmaiden who most actually read her min
hurriedly rushed to her mom's room to cry on her shoulders but she didn
doing and rushed in on her but the state she saw her in broke her heart to piece
? " She asked the girl
cia , my lady " Aurora ans
with her daughter . She pulled her up only to see her face swollen and red . He
Sophia wasn't in the right state to answe
d for questions right now ... Let's calm her down first
told Anna who left to fetch the duo . Within some minutes , she retu
and report back to my quaters" . They bowed and left wit
o leave but the princess stopped them ... " I want
dy ordered you take a nap after ur bath " Aurora pl
p ... " The queen walked into her room before she could finish her statement ..
p..." Sophia tried to Interrupt her but she continued . " I know you're not a ki
blew kisses at her mom and lay down on her bed . Anna
of putting smile on Sophia's face , she was Lady Lina's handmaiden but Sophia
ating that handmaidens can't be inherited or transferred . Sophia was
they left her room and went to her Lady's qua
arrating what happened to the queen who pa
the courtyard today ? " She as
the courtyard daily before noon to look at the flowers and
do to her ? " Lady
r , the princess was hurt on seeing him with Lucia
ding for some minutes , they didn't take notice of the princess ... They
or not taking notice of her ? "
must have hurt her feelings " Aurora spilt finally to the shock of Lady Lina and
urned to Anna who was also shocked. " My baby has
ia never mentioned this to you and it didn't occur to you to a
r was going through this alone ... during my time , my mom was already making
t as the kingdom has been quite busy for everyone lately . Lady Lina a
d discuss things with her . Lady Emily has been a great ally al
to send words to Lady Emily to inform her of her coming
he invite as instructed while l
would he do that ... only one way to f