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The Beauty Of A Silent Vendetta

Chapter 6 The Power Struggle Begins

Word Count: 1109    |    Released on: 11/02/2025

e out Morelli's family. Meanwhile, de Marco was planning his next s

back yet, sir,

ess idiot!"

of the other henchmen app

Drake o

ossi guy," h

Drake was now irritated as things we

ody in the bin," he h

t the news. "In the bin?"

s." his assistant responded, treading li

ch," he muttered, slamming

er Morelli, the girl or her

iend Gianna. Talana would give her life for that woman. I'll

," the assist

o and Talana had arrive

first," Talana

nything, just text me. Be careful

lana walked into h

e as he sat at their small table swirling a glass of cheap red wine, with his w

ing the wife part harder with hateful intent, "I will not, not now or ever

iced her box on her dresser was ajar, opening

nd stepmother sat, she slammed the box o

rateful bitch!" Maria

here is my money. That was to pay my t

s house is ours!" he

t to cover your gambling and alcohol addiction?" Talana was filled with r

he yelled at h

ming in, he pulled Talana behind him. "Touch her again, either of you, and trust me, your li

red the maserati. "Are you okay angel, did they lay a hand on you?" he

g," she responded, "but my final tuition settlement is gone. The

er it, I don't want you going back there un

he Morrelli villa, a ca

Massimo answ

na's place. Our men have searched the pa

make out the conversation on the other end. Tal

t, Boss," h

se," Talana sat ther

k safely," he promised. Hoping that h

u want to see your friend alive again, meet us at the abandoned f

bond now forming between her and Max, Talan

in tempo, Massimo asked,

rying as she showe

best friend's life like this?" he asked, grat

lease trust me on this one. Whoever it is will know you an

e is cover outside of my men," he i

ntleman's voice came on the othe

en at a distance watching her. Talana wants to do this

location," old man

message location

ax. "Who are you r

ut I'm your protector forever angel,"

o change," s

have a quick bite the

, Talana went to change while Max prepar

t," he i

e meal together. Talana got u

aid in a low, caring, and caressin

rew her in tighter and kissed her so deeply

he smiled half heartedly,

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