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The Beauty Of A Silent Vendetta

Chapter 4 Be Prepared

Word Count: 1037    |    Released on: 11/02/2025

o to look into the issu

n, uncovering all the filth t

get back home. Though Massimo was not comfortable in her going b

message me immediately." He lifted his hand to remove ap wayward strand. His fingers burn

h Massimo's cool exterior. "Lorenzo, have you managed to fin

. "The bastard's been moving in silence, using fronts to cover up his operations. But the real kicker is that he's been seen hav

uck does she have to so wit

d. "I don't care what it takes. Just find o

just anyone.

e I let anyone get his hands on her again!" Massim

rstood. Sir, do you t

his temper rising

ey, his thoughts drifting back to Talana, the wo

is arms as they danced, how her laughter lit up the darkened space inside his heart.

home, one of the other employees came

t?" Massim

would take place in three days. Donatell

e end of business tomorrow!" he instructed, "we not wai

ug trafficking, de Marco's

? Dead or alive?" Matt

r smirk, he an

both Lorenzo and

"I've never seen the Don like this over a woman befo

mo Morelli was not going to a

eeting with Roberto S

he que

!" he

r Sanchiano, Massimo Mo

eeted the elderly gen

man," the elder

s in danger." Massimo explai

osslina left the family for him," Sanchian

ction is to the Donatello's and de Marco's, but whatever i

irst thing in the morning!" R

si. I want him dead. A message

anchianos and Morelli's we wi

amina. She wants in," h

her blood. We'll bring her in when th

that house tomorrow. Either she stays with

"You bitch," her step mother

a wasn't going to allo

ith de Marco. You're going

No one signs me away!"

Talana sent a text message

, it was as quick as Massimo

. Talana heard the car and went out the back

ndprint on her face. "Angel, speak to m

ned me away to de

d, gripping the steering wheel s

he informed her as they drove to his p

" she

responded, more g

these bastards," she

o Don Sanchiano he is looking

is?" Talana was now more uncertain than before. "Ma

angel wants," he re

alana wanted it, he would do it. One b

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