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"My first love, my last love"

Chapter 4 Chapitre 4

Word Count: 903    |    Released on: 29/01/2025

th a deep blue dotted with the first stars

ress well. I promise, th

uddenly canceled, she didn't know what to expect. Yet something in the tone of the message, in this implici

shirt and a simple but elegant coat, Lila felt her throat tighten. He had this strange gift

whispered as he watched

down at her simple but flowing dress

ng, but she preferred to savor the excitement of the surprise. Lucas seemed more relaxed than usual, a slight smile floati

et, lit by strings of lights strung between the buildings. The place

e?" » asked

her. "I thought you would like it

the candles placed on each table, and the gentle melody of a

d with that of the street lamps outside. Lucas ordered a bott

ng his glass, "to thi

sincerity. "And to you." Even i

othing sound. "Maybe tonight

cdotes about his childhood, some amusing, others tinged with a slight melancholy. Lila, for her part, s

ing his chin on his hand. "You know, I don't think

re...different." Not in a bad way, but... you're h

c smile playing on his lips. "Maybe I like to k

could respond, the waiter brought their dess

ested, picking up a spoon

eir spoons, and for a moment, Lila forgo

rming the cobblestones into shimmering mirrors under the light of the

h a cold," s

ou," he retorted wi

. The air was cool, but pleasant, and t

ng Lila's hand. She looked up at him,

oice was low, a

he world seemed to stop around them. The rain fell gently, fo

rt beating wildly. Lucas seemed slightly

hispered, alm

r head. "Don

d had changed. There was a new complicity between t

strange. A discreet black car seemed to be following them

e you seen

irror, but his expression re

She's been here fo

tension in his posture. "I don't thin

g things. Yet, a little voice deep inside her couldn't help

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