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"My first love, my last love"

Chapter 2 Chapitre 2

Word Count: 948    |    Released on: 29/01/2025

ch word, had to be carefully weighed. Yet, as soon as Lucas approached Lila that day, with a smirk and that m

presence behind her. Turning around, she found Lucas, his backpack casually slung over one shou

song tone, as if testing her name

by the direct questio

thinking that a walk in the park might be a good way

ed to carry more mysteries than he let on. But another part, the one that

ied, not without a hint

city. The trees spread their branches like sails, casting dancing shadows on the gravel paths. Lucas and Lila

cas asked, breaking the silence

t's fascinating to understand how everything works. Cells, DNA, int

cause it's fascinating to understand

nd that seemed to light up the air

y, I think we're exactly opposites. You are looking

d by the depth of his reflection. "It's a

sun on the water created golden shimmers. Lucas stopped and leaned

Do you have any questio

lightly disconcerted

world around you, or do you sometime

a hint of challenge in his voice, as if he were pushing

lied cautiously. "But I prefer

c smile on his lips. "May

aking that captivated Lila. He juggled light stories with profound observations, mov

against each other. It was only a brief, almost imperceptible contact, but it was enough to trigger

er, smirking. "Sor

quickly, but her voice bet

There was a palpable tension, an energy that seemed to vibrate in t

ut his phone. Lila noticed his expression change instantly. His face,

cond," he said, wal

uld hear a certain urgency in his tone. He paced back and forth, one

but scraps of conversation

are of it...No, not now...

but Lila was not fooled. Even though he feigne

s fine ? » she

it's nothing. Just..

g. Part of her wanted to insist, but she k

Lila couldn't help but wonder what was tormenting him, and why she felt so attracted to a boy s

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