THe wandering spirit
to leave, it seemed intent on dragging the doctor to the verge of madness so it remained there
d happy and ready to laugh. Dr Vin was confused, "is the ghost smiling,? or about to speak?
er even thought that the ghost would ever speak to him, but he needed it very well, he needed to
e was going to die, stretching his psyche to an unbearable limit. But he had
d already done to him meant ment
" he continued to shout as the
o that desperately, but he could not, it might worsen the evil situation at hand, But honestly, he wished he could, he needed p
ble plan and a great devastation to Dr Vincent, he had no choice but to talk to
eyes again, raining in tor
h moved uncoordinatedly, he looked at his left side, then to his right, back and then to his front, and realized again
the motion was steady and he felt like screaming, No, he actually screamed at the top of his voice, but nothing,
not shout, he could not even fight, but the ghost was still approaching him in the same slow pace. It looked hollowed, and it's Harrowed face told him that he had come to the en
other attempt to scream the entire neighborhood down, like the Israelites did in the past and got the
th but his strength against the ghost was only like a c
as quite a pity he had lost all his memories, like the brainwas
led to concatenate to present condition. Yet the ghost wa
e was still very much alone in the fla
ghost approached him, it was as near as between twenty to tw
fixed its right hand into his neck as if it was a well-adjusted shifting spanner around a bolt, Dr vin'
is legs dangling precariously in the air as if he had hung himself with a
lp! Help! Even as she shouted, she could still not see anybody else in the room except h
the ceiling fan, hence she was stunned silly as she could not put her finger on exactly what was happening, then she thought she probably might be dream
she could still see that his eyes were open and alert, she c
ted her with an eerie gusto.she had seen a ma
as levitation let her husband fa
invisible intruder tried to strangle her husb
up as few neighbors thronged into the bedroom at the same time, they had heard a voice they were used to it, yet they always run to her anytime her tiny che
neighbors said after Linda had narr
tal at once said another, the
da dived behind the steering ,one of the neighbors sat beside her in front seats of the car, As Ete, the gateman, th