Dr Vincent Stephenson, a renowned medical practitioner, is being constantly haunted by a ghost, right from the very day he arrived from his honey moon, till the day he confesses his atrocities. This is a story of revenge, but revenge comes in so many ways, and sometimes it comes like a SPIRIT
The ghost appeared to Dr Vin again,that Tuesday, that was the last time he had seen that ghost in his life, the ghost had already tormented him for two years, and felt it had already achieved it's aim, It was ready to strangle Dr Vincent Stephenson to death that Tuesday afternoon if not for his wife,Linda, who came in from the market and saw him hanging on the ceiling without a rope, dangling with a wrung neck, listless and lifeless, and then alerted the entire neighbors that came to their rescue.
Yes that very ill-fated day was a Tuesday,The clock had just chimed 4.00 PM. The sun was still hanging in the sky, somewhere in owerri capital, it was neither red, pale nor gray, but magenta, like a forced ripped pawpaw . The atmosphere was threatening to turn gloomy soon, even as it was still glistening like a glitz onyx.
Soon it would be dark, and the stars and the moon would chase the sun away and take their own rightful place, at the rightful time.
Doctor Vincent Stephenson was alone in his bedroom that faithful Tuesday, He had just finished taking his bath,and was dressing up, He looked more nineteen in his red boxer's short and white singlet than well above forty, Which he was , He combed his hair , admired himself in the standing mirror and felt satisfied, He was going to sit in the living room and watch another ghost film since Linda ,his wife,had gone to the market for groceries .
Dr Vin began to whistle like a small snake as he sat out for the living room. He took the first,and the second step,and was about taking the third when it came again.
It was the ghost, the same ghost , appearing for the umpteenth time since it's first appearance two years ago, when he just arrived from America with Linda after their honeymoon trip.
"What do you want?" Dr Vin queried the ghost, but the ghost relied him with an eerie thunderous silence, "You are supposed to be dead...Why don't you stop haunting me for Christ's sake?"
Suddenly, Dr Vin became angry and faced the ghost squarely, eyeball to an eyeball, "Why don't you leave me alone and stick to hell, where you belong? Why don't you stop embarrassing me each time before other people? Why don't you stop making people conclude that I am a madman? Why? Why?
But Dr Vin was not not through with the ghost yet. His fury knew no bounds. The anger in him was like molten magma ready to burst into flames of fire.
"Why don't you allow me to enjoy my life and my wife? He asked. He assumed he exuded bravery, like a man, but he was simply stuttering effusively before the ghost.
The ghost had been there earlier on that same day, it was there a day before, the day before that too, it was also there the previous and penultimate week, it was there the previous month, it was always there , looming like a giant ghoul.
"My God!" Dr Vin screamed, and his voice ricocheted in the bedroom.
He couldn't comprehend anything anymore. The ghost was always there, right inside his apartment _his bedroom, bathroom, everywhere,every day, like an uninvited intruder, for the past two years or so, it had always paid him series of unsolicited visitations, which he found to be lethal to his body and soul.
Right now, the consistent appearance of the ghost was fast driving the doctor crazy, as crazy as a psychopath in a psychiatric home.
" But why? But why?" He asked the ghost again, almost at the verge of tears , "Answer my question!" He bawled at the spook and wondered whether spooks ever spoke. But he wished desperately that that particular one could, " What do you want from me?" He continued to ask, but the spook never spoke.
Then Dr Vin began to address the ghost like an acquaintance, " Remember it wasn't my fault, it was yours, But now I want us to settle this once and for all so that I can have peace of mind."
His speech was laborious, it was coherent to him, but to the ghost, he was talking gibberish, " can you talk to me, please?" He pleaded, almost at the verge of tears, and pushed his head backwards in a violent manner.
Then the ghost opened it's mouth wide like an anaconda, as wide as a twin giant gate, as if it was about to say something, but the mouth only hung agape, and the spook did not speak, it only stood there like a pillar of salt.
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