d together by our Alphas' treaty. A peaceful time. That's what I told myself, anyhow, as I stood close to the altar and stared at Demon, who wa
e of my own role bearing down on me, and the stakes were tremendous. I was expected to be the submissive partner, keeping the peace, smiling when it was appropriate, and avoiding conflict at all costs. How
o celebrate dangling in the air like a thin thread, I stood there, compelled to grin. Everything seemed
e, coming toward me. I could sense the tension between us even though we had never talked much. His name was Alari
with a thin, courteous grin, but there was s
to seem informal despite my raci
ered, "Peace." "Isn't it a delicate thing? Sometimes
I could get the words out. A deep growl that was so raw and primordial
avage brightness, sprang from the tree line before anybody could react. It
te. The closest Silvermoon fighter was str
led by anger and bloodlust, it was more than simply an attack-it was a full-scale assault. Warrior
d me along with him, his fingers surprisingly
or flee. I was no weakling damsel. My body was responding befor
oss my body. For the first time since I had been to Blackfang, I felt my own strength completely awaken
er nearby with its enormous paw, knocking him to the ground. With a power that even startled me, I struck the rogue and knocked it to t
from my face. My wolf was there, pulling me onward and strengthening me even as my heart
y echoed with the painful shatter of its skull. It fought under me, but it was exhausti
his voice bellowed over the battlefield. With his black fur rippling with strength, he rushed forward
nd of the rogue's demise served as a soberi
sive quiet. The wounded and injured group turned to
out of breath. But a sudden feeling of pride awoke inside me.
marked, "You handled yourself well," in a quiet, almost approving tone. "But avoid being too cozy. Not eve
t I had to take his words serio
ined us, his eyes still caut
been following them for weeks, we never anticipated their daring attack. This is no
bout. There had been no accident with the renegade. The assault was pre
round the clearing, and it made my blood run cold.
but I could definitely s
he followed my gaze. "A risky
step closer. "We must move quickly
ed for him in a menacingly low voice.
him, to rip his pack apart from the inside out. Now, though? I had to contend with a new foe, but I had no i
tever came next would make me reevaluate al
ow Demon. This time, however, it wasn't only a passing shad
stinct sound of a c
s just gett