me, but now that he was in my cabin, his presence felt oppressive. I couldn't get rid of the sensation that eve
l. Even though you were meant to be the predator, he had a way of making you feel like prey. His black
He walked up to me and whispered. Like velvet wra
dy was stiff with anxiety as I stood there paralyzed. Wh
he terror churning within me. "Lyra, I'm
ess. By becoming close to him, I was expected to undermine his
e with such intensity that I felt like I was being examined. "Are
Pack from the inside out. But now that I was in front of him, I saw how much more difficult this task had became. He wasn't only a
ted to slow my breathing. With him so nea
cent little spy, Lyra." But I'm able to look right through you. There are r
iers with only his eyes, I could feel his
o infiltrate my pack?" "You believe that you are the first person to ar
deception? I also couldn't afford it. But I felt a chu
before," his voice fading to a whisper. However, none of them had your
ts. It was already too late when I loosened them. He had already seen my anxi
hint of threat in his remarks. "I'll make you regret it if you don't cooperate
y ears. He wasn't physically threatening me just yet. But I could tell by the way he talked and the way he looked
escape unharmed?" The demon's voice had become icier and more menacing. "Lyra, y
of doubt was beginning to creep in, and I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. I had been so confident in
oy him? What if, without even recognizi
oice despite my chest quivering a
ps. "I didn't say you were. But fear i
hat you should be concerned about. The Blackfang Pack's devotion. I created this bundle from the ground up, you see. Every wolf he
this conversation, was critical. I had to understand m
yal is not something I take lightly. And those
u a choice, Lyra. You may either align yourself with me-work for the Blackfangs-or yo
sn't only attempting to scare me; he was making an offer
ded with a smash before I co
lf, panting and breathing hard.
of command to one of instant alertnes
aimed, "There's a disturbance." "In t
s were flashing with a dangerous intensity
er in a stern and icy tone. "Avoid mak
gone in a
est. What had just taken place? What was he discussing? And why did I get the impression th
rd it-faint at first, a low growl from someplace outside the cabin. But it wasn't just one snarl. It w
ng was
e far worse than anyt