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Identical (The lost twin)

Chapter 5 Mask girl

Word Count: 926    |    Released on: 05/01/2025




me put on my hand wrap and also helpe

asked as he helped

to fight to hide my identity, Well

y they call me

ine" I said already sitting down sinc

e tough and that she's really good. So you might

ugher,If she gives me any bruises, I'l

ember what I told you about t

will" I

sensitive like the

she had brought a kind of needle, And had wanted

fighting I noticed she broug

nsitive person, that

out to prick me with it but I gave her a Headbutt which

it, She looked shocked as I pricked her, Not up to 10 m

was how I beat

he was banned from going to th

the way we were fighting,No one will k

he room we were and said the match is a

through" he had

my jacket and

and i started walked to

whenever I want to fight, To avoid people from t

e started hearing so much noise

ered the Arena cro

k gi

k g

k g

k g

k g

k g

k g

at them before walki

e ring, She is a tall slim, lady who has a ro

in this underground ring, It

rson to unconsciousness win

ents even beats th

o signify the start of the match rang and

s just blocking her attack,Whil

n my face which left a

ged towards her with a kick om her stoma

dodged it, And gave a kick instead at the bac

her face which sent her falling hard on the floor with a loud thud, I waited for

tely went wild screaming my na

of the ring with the c


's 9:40pm,already and hope didn

ours but she is not picking up her phone,

gain but still she did

nstairs, And I met mom a

mom, Evening

was your day?" Dad ask

only daughter,he lov

s" I lied, because today

your brother

ce I got back from school except Eric

ht they said and went

I should sleep early so that I'

y hope is not pic

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