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Identical (The lost twin)

Chapter 2 Trouble

Word Count: 1368    |    Released on: 05/01/2025

G ‎(OR


were singing outside of my window

ff, I stood up from my bed and went to open my window,My room was at the

y was looking very calm and beautif

I was little,Well Iove it when my room is neatly arranged,It gives me joy to

here in the orphanage,I don't want to have someone disturb

etting ready for school,Yes we have a school inside the

earning and believe me when I say it's quite exhausting,I wonder what it's li

teachers to teach us in our "school" and I w

cience subjects,well the part-time teachers

o the dining table late, she'll always say "Don't allow the food to wait for you, you

d white skin that most people admire, I smiled at my reflection in my m

on,Oh no don't tell me the phone's battery is d

need to ask him for a favour,

owns a gym downtown and he's th

t remember how many times I begged him before he agreed to teach me how

.... you know dating or something.He is in h

aw that all the kids were alread

morning,I was looking for where to sit down when I saw sister Maria a

er ....." Abby the sister Sitting close to si

take a sit"sister Maria

y is looking so

dy a plate of food in my front,I smiled

ght Alicia??"Sist

replied with a small smi

and continued eating,Is she still mad abou

ister Mari

rom her meal an

ill mad at m

y more, I'll just in prayer my ch

e moody face??, is som

e but it'll soon be sorted out"she sa

o"I finally said.I kno



he front seat, I opened my eyes and saw that we

pes of cars that I can't even count,Making the school real

school parking spot,I waved a bye

o my classroom, just like me everyone was wear

e long-sleeved shirt for the seniors,the juniors wear s

m behind,I turned and saw Hope, my best fr

g your name for long,she said in heavy b

at how you're breathing,"I said usi

told her and we continued walking and talking that I didn't know whe

p to see who i bumped into an

he phone and saw that the phone scre

n my sweet voice and

d walked away witho

to get on Seth's bad side this morn

pe" I said

ottest boys In my class,Il

ociate with anybody,We nicknamed him the silencer and I also

om and it was as if we were a

around like flies,some were dancing,some

us everyone kept quiet

meone blocked our way and said "look who we have here,its t

thes that even her uniform is so short and she's obsessed with Xavier, H

not today "Hope s

ant trouble this morning"

me trouble"She asked

"I was about to say something whe

ntered the class and immediately

ee later freak"and went to sit down,I also wen

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