Ghost in the Wind
Brett sent me another voice message,
cakes on my way home. Please wait for m
feeling detached
akes anymore, and there was n
anted to go back and see my par
d them to help Brett, sometimes even missing
't part from him. Whenever I drifted over ten me
ice, I continued
cushion on the passenger seat
with six clear words engra
cushion was on Lisa's se
ett and me, saying she wan
lot, just as I was about to open the pas
t car sick and can
dn't mind sharing t
a cushion from her bag and place it
but burst into
t in the front. But this is a
ceries yesterday, you said I could
ealized Brett h
iness dinner, but instead,
why he would lie about
tt, waiting for
the back door, ur
uld do that. It's just
and I grew up together. If there was anythin
, "Tina, don't
ing that this car was a birthday gift
blamed, I was d
ew the cushion into the trunk and promised that he woul
, clean and pristine, I realize
rgue, pouting as I flo
bought the little cakes, and was abo
a, her voi
ing my bandages, and
d immediately. "Don't wor
mpletely forgot about bringi
d face, unable to hol
to Lisa, I really didn'