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Strange True Stories of Louisiana


Word Count: 795    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Sunday clothes, gathered on deck, and papa read the mass aloud surrounded by our whole party, kneeling; and in

een a suffocating heat all day. It was with joy that we came up on deck. My father, as he made his appearance, showed us his flute. It was a signal: Carlo ran for his violin, Suzanne for Alix's guitar, and presently Carpentier appeared with his wife's harp. Ah

so with me. I had attended my first ball only a few months before, and had taken nearly all my dancing-lessons from Suzanne. What was to become of me, then, when I heard my father ask me to dance the bolero which he and Alix were playing!... Every one made room for us, crying, "Oh, oui, Mlle. Suzanne; dancez! Oh, dancez, Mlle. Fran?oise!" I did not wish to disobey my father. I did not want to disob

her intention

eck. The Italian with a shoulder movement loosed the scarf, caught it in his left hand, threw his violin to Celeste, and bowed low to his challenger. All this as the etiquette of the bolero inexorably demanded. Then Maestro Mario smote the deck sharply with his heels, let go a cry like an Indian's war-whoop, and made two leaps into the air, smiting his heels against each other. He came

ed me; but when I tried to speak of

reach of form is permissible." He resumed h

ix; "our turn, Fran?oise

was easily persuaded, and fan in hand followed Alix, who for the emergency wore her husband's hat; and our minuet was received with as much enthusiasm as Suzanne's bolero

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1 Chapter 1 Gibraltar falls 3432 Chapter 2 No.23 Chapter 3 No.34 Chapter 4 THE TWO SISTERS.5 Chapter 5 MAKING UP THE EXPEDITION.6 Chapter 6 THE EMBARKATION7 Chapter 7 ALIX CARPENTIER8 Chapter 8 DOWN BAYOU PLAQUEMINE-THE FIGHT WITH WILD NATURE9 Chapter 9 THE TWICE-MARRIED COUNTESS.10 Chapter 10 ODD PARTNERS IN THE BOLERO DANCE.11 Chapter 11 A BAD STORM IN A BAD PLACE.12 Chapter 12 MAGGIE AND THE ROBBERS13 Chapter 13 ALIX PUTS AWAY THE PAST.14 Chapter 14 ALIX PLAYS FAIRY.-PARTING TEARS.15 Chapter 15 LITTLE PARIS.16 Chapter 16 THE COUNTESS MADELAINE.17 Chapter 17 POOR LITTLE ALIX! 18 Chapter 18 THE DISCOVERY OF THE HAT19 Chapter 19 THE BALL.20 Chapter 20 SALOME AND HER KINDRED.21 Chapter 21 SIX MONTHS AT ANCHOR.22 Chapter 22 FAMINE AT SEA.23 Chapter 23 SOLD INTO BONDAGE.24 Chapter 24 THE LOST ORPHANS.25 Chapter 25 CHRISTIAN ROSELIUS.26 Chapter 26 No.2627 Chapter 27 THE TRIAL.28 Chapter 28 THE EVIDENCE29 Chapter 29 THE CROWNING PROOF.30 Chapter 30 JUDGMENT.31 Chapter 31 AS IT STANDS NOW.32 Chapter 32 MADAME LALAURIE.33 Chapter 33 A TERRIBLE REVELATION.34 Chapter 34 No.3435 Chapter 35 A NEW USE.36 Chapter 36 FURNISHED ROOMS.37 Chapter 37 JOHN BULL.38 Chapter 38 DUCOUR'S MEDITATIONS.39 Chapter 39 PROXY.40 Chapter 40 THE NUNCUPATIVE WILL.41 Chapter 41 SECESSION.42 Chapter 42 THE VOLUNTEERS.-FORT SUMTER.43 Chapter 43 TRIBULATION.44 Chapter 44 A BELEAGUERED CITY.45 Chapter 45 MARRIED.46 Chapter 46 HOW IT WAS IN ARKANSAS.47 Chapter 47 THE FIGHT FOR FOOD AND CLOTHING.48 Chapter 48 DROWNED OUT AND STARVED OUT.49 Chapter 49 HOMELESS AND SHELTERLESS.50 Chapter 50 FRIGHTS AND PERILS IN STEELE'S BAYOU.51 Chapter 51 WILD TIMES IN MISSISSIPPI.52 Chapter 52 VICKSBURG.53 Chapter 53 PREPARATIONS FOR THE SIEGE.54 Chapter 54 THE SIEGE ITSELF.55 Chapter 55 GIBRALTAR FALLS.