Canoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan
Author: St. George Rathborne Genre: LiteratureCanoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan
stores Owen had wandered up the bed of a creek that joined
interest, for the others noticed him peering clo
possessed of a good lively streak of curiosity in his composition
pping instinct has been aroused by certain signs of the furry game for which every man in this re
d from the smile on his face I imag
can tell an otter when I see it; but there are a thousand or two little things connected with the trade of a trapper that are just so much Greek to me. You notice I've been pumping him every c
, had never made a practice of taking furs; and unless one goes i
re toward giving a novice a fair insight into the strange business of out
ert had made a
was holding some little
hat that is, b
em took a
nny's paw," said
the evil spirits away, especially if taken from a graveyard rabbit. Can it be possible there are fellows
?" asked t
ain, but if I made a g
and the little animal just gnawed it off himsel
ool enough to do that for?" demanded Cuthbert looking closely to see
he could not find anyb
one of his little footsie-tootsies in that way? Is it the
ive up his nice soft pelt to grace the back of some lady in Montreal or New York or London," returned Owen, gravely, twirling the little remind
is seen right there, in desperation it finished the amputation itself; not that it was afraid of decorating some high born dame'
He'll have to hobble around on three legs for the balance of his natural life; but that's better than knocking
them, in fact, don't do the same thing? I should think it wou
nly way of trapping to let a nice mink like that get away. If you care to step this way with me I'
much curiosity within their minds, and they could not bear to let a ch
he hills far away, and winding in and out through the timber, often being fairl
open, and they could wander along for q
inclined to be precipitous in others, but at
r some little dis
hat helped to take it off," he said, pointing to a rusty Newhouse No.
were marked with a stain, and bits of f
ation, either. Now go on and tell us why this happened, and what is to
habits, or you will not understand. They are nearly always found along th
two miles in either direction. Now, when a trapper has made up Ms mind that a certain stream is the home of a considerable number
k and some nine inches across the front, throwing water about the place to kill the scent of his presenc
weeks, and when you go back to set your traps you will be surprised to discover th
e mink; once the trap snaps upon the leg of the animal its instinct causes it to spring into the creek, and being weighed down by the trap, it is
"I didn't know there was so much to the pesky business-had an idea all you had to do was to f
ed heartil
ives trapping for the Hudson Bay and the Northwest Fur Companies at the time these two were great rivals over the whole of the fur country. You'd find it a most interesting subject if you ever chose to dig into it. Of course, I've picked up quite a few of these secrets and can do my share of a season's work, though it never did appeal to me strongly enough to carry it on as a business. If you went along up this stream you'd find a dozen traps or more, some
le follow such an occupation, else what would all our lovely girls do for wraps? After all, the taking of furs does not compare in cruelty with the shooting of herons and other birds by the tens of thousands, just to pluck an egret or plume and toss the body away. That is a cruel deed that ought to make
animal they are drowned when caught. E
know they have to come to the surface at stated intervals to breathe. I suppose the trap holds them down beyond their allotted time, and then they
traps, you see, for they are always hoping to ca
heard they were worth a big sum of money, and quite rare.
for a thousand anyway. Some men have been lucky enough to take several silvers during the whole of their trapping lives, while others have waited for forty years and never caught a single one. But every fur
t at this intelligence, for it seemed to him just then that a brisk
cle. I remember one case that was pretty rough. A trapper had a beautiful skin, that would have brought him a little fortune; but
e subject of trapping; "but if silver fox pelts are so very valuable I should think some en
money in the deal if a fellow had the right ground
but a way was found to prevent that by digging down a yard, filling it with stones, and running a heavy wire mesh back several feet. Of course the foxes kept on burrowing along
ing such a fox farm a success? Perhaps they refuse to breed in captivity-I've
t obstacle to success lies in the fact that the silver fox
an't be depended upon
more money than brains starting a silver fox farm. Don't you ever allow yourself to be tempted to put cold cash into such a game, either of you," continued th
just what had happened, doubtless profiting by h
ain far enough out in the water, so that the animal when ca
s ways of circumventing these cunning little varmints of the wilds; he found hi
ll the way from Montreal to Fort William on the northern shore of the "big water," Superior, to collect the great and valuable bundles of pelts brought in
ewan, being desirous of posting himself on the subject; but interesting as it may have seemed then, whe
asily picture the flotilla of batteaux moving up or down the river, propelled by the muscular
ve to be merely ordinary Indians, or such rascally fellows as Stackpole and Dubois; but Cuthbert did hope that once at the post he might be able to hear some of the songs tha
said Eli, as they slowly walked b
There are some things that even a fellow who has spent years up here, and kept his
must have been so, if a fellow was to judge from the size of the check they sent on. Since then I've been told that all animals can't be skinned alive. Is that so? I just sliced 'em down, and peeled off the jackets in the
s if he knew
marten, mink, fox, 'possum, otter, weasel, civet, lynx, fisher and muskrat have to be treated this way. Other animals should be cut open, such as the beaver, wolf, coyote, 'coon, badger, bear and wild cat. They cut off the tails only of suc
interesting to me,
the way skins are fastened to the drying boards? I might have blundered
rong side out and could not be remedied. Some have to be cased with the fur side out, and others with the pelt exposed to the air. Those that are better with the fur out are fox, weasel, lynx, fisher, otter, marten and wolf. The others must have the pelt outward so that the ai
the capture of wild animals, and preparing their skins for the market. Then again I suppose these big houses that buy in bulk have ways of handling the furs that increases their value a great deal. The fur we see on the shoulders of o
shrugged hi
of the dealer I know nothing about, only that they have mighty cute ways of dyeing many of the cheaper grades, and calling them something else. A skunk
he old ones. After that my curiosity about the cunning little striped beast that used to slink across the tote road was satisfied, and whenever I saw one I'd give a whoop that could be heard a mile away and run for my life! They got to know that yell, and whenever any of the boys heard i
the mouth of the little creek, an
well cleaned out along here, so close to the post
fifty years this creek may have been cleaned out a dozen or two times, and then let alone for a spell to grow up again. This year it's bein
doubt they have different ways of doing things. I thought the only way to know was to look at the
ed as thou
ns on his feet, and used to them from a baby, he walks just like a red. But there are many ways of telling whether it is a white or I
learned considerable about the art of fu