Canoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan
Author: St. George Rathborne Genre: LiteratureCanoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan
after years of practice in canoeing, a sturdily-built and thoroughly bronzed Canadian lad glanced ever and anon back along
he great Saskatchewan came pouring down from the timber-clad hills; and all around t
nal trading posts of the wide-reaching Hudson Bay Company, at each of w
wandering "timber-cruiser," marking out new and promising fields for those
vast unknown land, seldom penetrated by h
boat-indeed, beyond the buskskin jacket, which he had thrown off because of his exertions, there did not seem to be anything
indicate that he might have had
added strength to this possibility; though the look upon his
something; and once a name passed his lips in anyth
ese mad rivers of the Silent Land that presently it would be racing furiously down a steep incline, with razor
o ply the nimble paddle, weavi
aft closer to either shore, so that he might, in time, make a safe landing in preference to trusting himself to th
guard of the storm
n a sudden flash of lightning cleft the low-hanging
s was like the explosion of a twelve-inch gun as hear
with its grim forest-clad shores lighte
until the whole affair became a perfect pandemonium; and brave indeed
ashed and roared with all the fury of a Gettysburg, that Owen Dugdale found himself plunging
his course; but apparently the solitary young Canuck was at the time in somewhat of a desperate frame of mind, and re
signs of shrinking f
tle himself better for the desperate work that fa
water at a second's notice, to stay the progress of the canoe as it lunged toward a threa
d he have undertaken such a fierce fight as the one in which he was now
d was concerned he had only eyes for the perils with which he was surrounded, and his who
aster but for the instantaneous manner in which
rubbed up against several snags in whirling past, any one of whic
e largest whirlpool along the course; which seemed to reach out eager
o see these perils in time to take action, else he must have
ty it could not have been more than a couple of minutes at most that he was shooting down that foamy
appens, the very last lap proved to be more heavily charged with disas
t Greece-the rock and the whirlpool known as Scylla and Charybdis-if they missed being impaled upon the one they were apt to be engulfed in the othe
ut the last whirlpool was so close that he was not enabled to fully recover in time to throw his whole power into the second
saster while shooting rapids and he had his wits about
he task of avoiding the deadly suction of the whirlpool, for once he fell into its gr
wim down the balance of the rapid, and reach the smoother waters below, still hanging o
to keep on the surface; but Owen found it as much as he could do to pus
such as he had spent up in this vast region, where the first lesson
o his ability to gain the nearby shore with
his perilous descent of the rapids had been witnessed by sympathetic eyes, it gave Mm a t
together upon his own endeavors, as one must always do whose life
and in this way came out of the river dripping, temporarily
gh they arrived too late to give him
me timber-cruisers who chanced to be camping at the foot of the rapids for the fishing to be found there; or it might be several of the halfbreed voya
r of them much older than himse
made him much older than his years-his scanty associations had been with hardy lumbermen or voyageurs, so t
ng upon taking hold of the boat and pulling the same clear of
offee is just ready, too-I rather guess that'll warm you up some. Eli, it's lucky you made an extra supply, after all. Looks as if you expected we'd have company drop in o