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All Aboard; or, Life on the Lake / A Sequel to The Boat Club""


Word Count: 2139    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

with cold, when the Zephyr's crew landed. The rest of her boys had been sent to conduct the

said Frank, warmly, as he gras

be," replied Tony, trying to laugh, while his

me; you will catch co

ait for th

's crew, and pull home as fast as you

offer, Frank, and I will accept it. If you like I will take Fred Harper

x of his club, including Fred, who

ocks, Tony," said Fred, as

ll have an eye to the passage when we get to it," re

angerous rocks in safety. Her crew pulled with energy, and it is

of the Butterfly's crew returned

so small in stature that his companions had nicknamed him

with them. They were too wet and cold to stay h

wants to see


would do your heart go


of all the praise that can be be

n angel. She declares that a dozen stron

ny persons. The Butterfly's first laurel is a glorious on

ul, modestly. "I am sorry you were

f it hadn't been for Ti

a littl

ly, or Charles would not have

way, we shouldn't have


you mea

test against pa

irectly in opposition to

I am glad the Butterfly had it all to herself. She ha

the chaise,"

n and woman, and of the horse. They would have drowned, and all the glory consisted in saving

Paul. "I believe, if the two boats had changed


ave done if you had

me other time. We are read

e is nothing mo

vered a party of men approaching the place

boys had conducted the lady and gentleman. "We wan

ow," replied

rom seeing the chaise till they had got almost to the shore; and, as Little Paul expres

began Mr. Walker; "and that is, you

plied the farme

men in nob

pinion, it would be just as well to set 'em to work in the cornfiel

nly have been drowned


le fellow that command

nizing the fac

me, sir; he was

go and see him by and by. And these are

aul. "This is Frank Sedley,

y, I am under great

y Weston saved you. We only

forgotten. The other b

ton is the coxswain

ey were obeyed with a promptness and precision that would have been creditable to the crew of a man-of-war, after a three years' cruise. And then, when he ordered six of the boys to stay in the boat, and the rest to follow him into the water, it was reall

worth yet. But there is nothing for us to do here; the men shall haul you

how highly I value his noble service, and tell him I shall call upon

ouse while you remain in Rippleton," continued Frank, wh

t offer you so grand a house as Captain Sedley

nvitation; but I think I will remain with my goo

d the boys tumbled into the

e was aware that some of the people in the vicinity had cherished strong objections to the clubs, and that Tony had had considerable difficulty in persuading the parents of his crew to allow their sons to join. The adventure at the bridge

, though, as they darted through the narrow channel, he could see the

re they perceived the Sylph, under full sail

he helm, while Uncle Ben was gazing at them w

k, as he laid the Zephyr's

t be misapprehended; but it did not occur to him, he was so engaged in thinking of the inc

he wind, to wait for her. Frank brought his boat round under t

hat you should venture among those rocks, when I hav

ther, th

ces," continued Captain Sedley, who, though deeply grieved at his son's apparent disobedience, was too indignant to hear an excuse; for su

t!" said Charles Hardy

s cheek glowing with indignation, as

lmost choked by his emotions, a flood of tears

edley, touched by the reply, a

hat his son had not passed the rocks

related all that had occurred at the bridge; how Tony had saved the lady a

e my hasty words," said Capta

exclaimed Uncle Ben

ind of the veteran, who had almost come

oughtn't to be president of the United States

er strict our orders are, no person should be a machine. Orde

tell a yarn about that

Varsayles, boun

edley. "We will go over and see Tony now, and congratulate him o

ull!" sa

?" asked Little Paul, as he good-natured

s," replied Charles, sage

e deed was done, not now, when you h

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