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All Aboard; or, Life on the Lake / A Sequel to The Boat Club""

Chapter 3 ALL ABOARD!

Word Count: 2312    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

waiting the orders of the coxswain to haul her out

rank," said he, as he ob

ace," replied Frank, as he jumped out of the boat, and

st excursion of the season, they forgot for the time the pleasure before them in their desire to k

her entered the c

have you done?" a

questions to the best

th some h

at was th

ed Tim to fill


await your sancti

ould sanction such

thfully examined both sides of the question. If we have done w

earnestness of his son. He felt quite as much interest in t

ery bad boy

omised to amend, and become a g

an be placed upon the


r, he will not be likely to improve much, esp

at he may corrupt t

of the constitution, or he cann

on in this matter, but I should like to kn

, and the anxious father expressed himself we

only give them a chance to be respectable, as you have done with

d Frank, rather doubtfully, as he looked earnestly into the f

th sides of this questio

id, f

at they had informally given a unanimous vote against it. Captain Sedley was much amused by the narration, in

minds would arrive at a different conclusion. As you say, the envy and

approve ou


aving arrived, unaided by mature minds, at a correct conclusion, was a triumph in itself. He had exercised his thought, and it had

" asked half a doz

it," replied Frank. "Bowman, let go the painter; ca

dy, as the Zephyr glided clear of the boat-

and the eleven oars were pois


the season of inactivity which had passed away. They were as prompt and as perfect in the drill as though they had practised it eve


e water, and bent before the vigo

dignity and self-possession; and the Zephyr, acted upon by this maneuver,

is command caught the stroke, and the light bark shot ahead,

shouted some one

ain't it?" a


never permit him to join the club," continued Charles, who fancie

n the wron


p to Flat Rock to take him aboard; and I hope every fellow will treat him wel

ey replied, w

t be our fault. Treat him as though he was the best

the rock in the grove, and i

ot much like this forwardness: it was a little too "brazen" to comport with his ideas of true peni

this day elected you a member, and our di

lied Tim, wit

up to the boat-house, where

ough it would be conferring a favor on the cl

andled his oar with considerable skill, and before they reached the bo

o his good resolution, and assuring him that he should never want for substantial encouragement so long as he persevered in well doing. Tim hung his head dow

of the sixth article, which forbade swearing, indecent language, and other boyish vices, brought a scarcely v

u can sign it

e took the pen that was handed to him. "You know I ain't used to being quite s

be judged kindly and c


I'll si

e had been to school but little, and good penmanship was not one of his accomplishments. However, he succeeded i

Tim is one of u

any uniform," s

lied Captain Sedley, as

or, to supply hi

ow the Butterfly gets along. They have been practising for a fort

o show them how,"

n their places. The graceful barge was nicely trimmed, so as to rest exactly square in the water, and everything was

y that Tim, who was not thoroughly "broken in," made some blunders, though

he slow, measured, musical stroke of the oa

yet, Frank," said Charles, as the boat ski

w about it,

se modesty in his new position did

Butterfly, when Tony gets thin

Are ye going to

p anyt

going to be

ow what you

horses, each man

t; that would be contra

n't hear nothing

association shall be the acquiring of good habits in

I s'pos

ty dollars as a prize to the winner of the race," added

course you

n't k

your boat, and th

r boat than the Zephyr, and some of Tony's members are a good deal

re you going to do with

f that yet," replied Frank, not par

ong the felle

purpose,-that is, if we win it,-such as enlarging


nd other appara

ents any better than before; but as his mind was fixed u

at be apiece. Thirteen into fifty; can any

illiam Bright, who pulled the next oar forward of T

ction," replied Fred,

good time on that, I'

uld like it to buy brea

there is the

oint of rising to get a better view of the Zephyr's rival, when t

t you know any better than

saw Tim's first involuntarily doub

u must not blame him," added th

d an expression which I

is contrary to the co

opped rowing w

if I

ember can do, or cease to do, with

surly apology for his rudeness, and

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