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Chapter 6 The Visitor from the Moon

Word Count: 1254    |    Released on: Today at 23:59

from the stars. Even with a thousand questions racing through my head, I couldn't l

ize who you are," she said quietly

l swallow, my

who ar

g seem to stop for a while. "

ess. The deity that the pack worshiped, the one whose power I carried inside me. She was standing i

, right?" Barely able to understa

in you, Zelena. But now is the moment for you to learn

don't even understand it." "T

don't always choose the path we take. Zelena, the light within you is a g

t taking me. I shuddered at the memory, the fear still fresh

Your power is the light of the Moon Goddess. To them, that power

at if I can't control it? Wha

touch of moonlight. "You're stronger than you know, Zelena. But strength alone

had been thrown against the tree. He groaned as he sat up, his human

ispered. I wanted to rush over to check on

immediately finding mine. There was relief there,

s voice cut through the tensio

to swim, not even an anchor

ords by blinking at her. "W

a little. "To face what lies ahead, you'll need more than just strength. The hunters are

p as he joined us. His eyes flicked between

f power," Sele

e Moon. They have coexisted peacefully for centuries, but the ba

tomach. "I didn't ask for this. I have no

n."No one ever does. But fate

unding force beside me. "If she's at the center o

rotecting Zelena won't be enough.

me. "How? I can't control this power. It feels li

Zelena. You fear the darkness within you. But you must embrace both the light a

e beginning of a bad dream. But, Selene's form began to fade and her glo

I called out. "How am I supposed t

oice echoed softly. "Trust yourself. T

ner and me standing in the clearing,

hing my palm lightly. "Zelena... we'l

his eyes, but my doubt persisted. "But what if I

is voice steady. "I won't let that

in my heart that this was far from over. The hunters, the Moon Goddess, the balance of power-

out to say something. This one was different

e, bounded through the trees. "Gunner!

they have someone with t

battle wasn't over.

ned and his eyes gr

is head, his

ey are not like the ot

cing growl in the air, and then followed by a h

nd menacing energy, emerged from the shado

im; they were covered in shadows, their faces hidden, but their power glaring. The

ged his stance getting ready for

hat made my skin crawl. "There will be no running this time. You'll c

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