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Chapter 5 The Awakening

Word Count: 1107    |    Released on: Today at 23:58


lt every instinct telling me to run, hide, and do "something". With measured, slow steps, h

ed against the tree, h

lier fury replaced by a mixture of fea

e reached out his hand toward me. His voice was li

of them cutting through my skin. "W

ou, Zelena. It's always been you. The Moon Goddess left he

ody suddenly snapping into motion. He lunged between me a

ore, and with a flick of his wrist, some unseen force threw Dol

ing as I knelt beside Dol

ruggled to sit up. "I'm... fine. You... you

could finish. "There is nowhere to run to. Whe

ain, and something inside me snappe

ting through my body. "I'm n

hinking that I would challenge him. "Brave wo

n, stronger this time. I clenched my fists, trying to concentrate on it as it felt

r, even as my hands shook. "I don't need to

ing like amusement crossing his face. "

hich he was moving. His hand shot to my throat, and my hea

ime it was stronger. The hunter was flung back, crashing into

Though it was no longer just heat, the warmth had trans

, his eyes wide as he looke

hell was t

mered, "I-I don't know." "

ith rage. "Impressive," he sneered, wiping blood from his mouth.

r it was. But, I had no other option. He would take me

p breath, but before I could move, a


one f

, Gunner's father. His eyes shone with the same intensity that I had noticed in Gunner


t he didn't back down. "I'm

ow and dangerous. "She

dess," the hunter snapped. "

without warning. With frightful speed, he launched himself at the

ending shockwaves through the forest with every bite and claw. My heart was

er hand, the hunter grinned-a sly, sly smile. And in

ance. His eyes continued to shine with rage as h

what had just happened, my mind raced. The hunter was g

rned to me, his expression unreadable. "What jus

at him, my heart tense with anxiety. "I'm

lena, your connection to the Moon Goddess is stronger than we thought. Bu

hard swallow. But what hap

as steady. "Then i

leaves echoed through the clearing and I s

like spun moonlight and her eyes glowing like silver. The ground

, "You won't be alone." "The Moon Go

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