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Billionaire Alpha's Pregnant Runaway Mate

Billionaire Alpha's Pregnant Runaway Mate


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 30/08/2024

her speech and questioned her sanity. Passing through the golden lit arcade decorated with fancy items

he room number?" Valeria yelled in the empty arca

have the key in her bag. "I should have the key to push into your butt, huh!" Valeria r

straight into a man's champagne ones. The lady felt

er skin touched his nearly trimmed beard. "Oh my

r. "Who are you, woman?" Markos's coarse voice fell into her ears making Valeria experience an arrow hi

ve in my head!?" Valeria' drunken gait leaned over his torso, the lady didn't r

st scram!" Markos didn't want any trouble right before his ma

her when Valeria pushed him aside, the lady b

man leaped towards her and grabbed Valeria' hand. He had no clue what sh

intentions, then I will have to call the cops." He warned he

ded straight to the sofa. Whereas Markos became agitated u

t to sleep." Markos cringed but then inhaled deeply

with my fiance?" Markos suspected that his fiance must be playing some trick on

Valeria waved her hand and ironically accused Markos for being drunk.

d in and held her hand as soon as Valeria poured water in the glass. In the attem

as new for fucks sake!" She began to sob and wailed, w

m her, Valeria wiped off her tears. He offered her

aracter." The man groaned after realising that she

Valeria to her own room. "Oh yes, this is Mono Moreno..." The man

ess. He saw Valeria inspecting the vibrator which was supposed to be use

your room." Valeria' face beamed with happiness as t

men. "Oh fuck!" He disconnected the call and lifted his head only to see Valeria put the head of the vibra

bing her tired eyes. A sharp pang of pain ran through her

ng wasted wa

r vision. The woman recognized the surroundings and knew it was he

d idea when you had a

suspicious. Valeria had arrived at the hotel and went right to her room to fre


stones if you

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