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Lure of His Kiss

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 369    |    Released on: 30/08/2024

ly, watching Et

onds, and then Ethan staggered,

ween Sophia's legs,

he hospital, and Ethan

ouldn't help but laugh alo

was quite

or, Alexander had just stepped out of

wet, and he silen

rolled curtains, dimmed the brigh

of sex f

Alexander left for work, som

asn't Ethan. It was

oke through the door, telling me

ospital, a man claiming to be t

he learned the truth a

unharmed, while Ethan was beaten half t

it was revealed that she h

it and called securit

ital to see Et

ander returned home, I receiv

Ethan, sounding extremel

ander who brought Sophia's man to the hospital. Alexan

Ethan after

you have any right to meddle

a lun

ng voice came

y from before. He was the one who kept sending you

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