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Lure of His Kiss

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 431    |    Released on: 30/08/2024

an was that he was a

Ethan, she pulled me off

ered the call without hesit

was on, Sophia's tearful,

Olivia, we used to be such good fr

tarted crying, as i

ant. Last night, Ethan stuck to me for sex and hurt the

to prov

not too bright. This call was poor

kened face, hung up the phone

ng another. Ethan, you perfec

I glanced at the

or so long. Why haven't

Miss B

, he clung to my clothes, refusing t

jacket and casually t

bone were exposed, revealing

suddenly widened, and he sto

d smiled faintly und

a strong hand wrap

pulled me close and spoke softly, "Cl

ander sent me a video, wh

ppened-Ethan kneeling and begging for reconc

ound myself blackli

d brok

ted the company group chat w

ed Olivia as the supervisor,

phia directly. It

arriage from the beating?

two of them had a full-blown confronta

only the

. Anyone who wronged me

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