The Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron : or, the Struggle for the Silver Cup
Author: Graham B. Forbes Genre: LiteratureThe Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron : or, the Struggle for the Silver Cup
possible, to overtake the spy, and not only learn his identity, but in
w too soon. The shades of evening were not far away, since night comes early in mid-November, and try
ion, he put them aside, one after another. It was certainly not Lef Seller or Bill Klemm; an
lieving that his team had suffered through treachery on the preceding Saturday, when
ight," said Frank bitterly, as he c
eep his eyes fixed for the most part on the moving figure ahe
pped on a stick that broke with a sharp twang. And, before he c
ion; but when he saw the other take to his heels, he realized that it was now destined to be a stern chase. So he, t
ng-it was no Columbia fellow who had played this miserable trick
these games. Driven away from the racetracks by recent strict State legislation, it seemed that t
some agent of these gamesters, rather than a Clifford sch
as though, if the chase were continued five
r drag a bicycle out of some bushes, and, while he made a swift rush, hoping to yet come upon
at something might happen to upset the other, but gradually the f
Evidently his sudden coming on the scene had given the coward
ut that would save him considerable in his walk home. "I don't even know who he is. But,
llings, where Coach Willoughby was stopp
eeted Frank when the football captain was ushere
t, sir," answered
nd to pick up our signals?
everything we did, as well as hear my signals. It's a shame that we ha
let them, that's all. We'll fix it so that they'll make some tremendous blunders before they decide that honesty is the best policy. But I'm glad you
ade a w
low dropped down out of the tree, and made off, with me tagging behind. Then he discovered me, and ran. I followed suit, and was
continued the c
and pedaled away, giving me the laugh as he went
look at the fellow?" i
in Columbia, so far as I could tell. I gu
ff. Forewarned is forearmed, they say. Forget all about it, my boy, and
consolation given by Coach Willoughby did much to cheer him
, again, there was that strange matter in connection with Minnie Cuthbert. Frank thought a good deal of Minnie, and they had been gr
e believes she has a mighty good excuse. Well, I can't do anything to bridge the gap. It must go on until something happens t
a time, made trouble between Minnie and himself, he shook his head wrath fully, and muttered thre
nd Frank could not help wondering if, after all, she had cared more for Minnie than
he glee club to-night, Hel
at him wi
ver. I hope you don't mean to stay away fo
remain at home; for, somehow, he felt that he hardly cared to mingle with the
n will do all of the team good. Some of the other fell
could see from the smile that cross
ak the jollification up by kidnapping the president; some fel
a boy want to kidnap Ralph? It would spoil the
ee. A case of sour grapes with them. But we're goin
e of them! They ought to
ever mind now, but go and get your things on. We might as well make a start now. You know, we don't practice t
d take Flo with us," remarked Helen, wit
hat is, it won't take us much o
d with this parting shot, Helen ran upstair
e educational department, in that the school authorities encouraged its existence,
are bound to make merry. Consequently there was always an air of jollity conn
with a bunch of others, and secretly Ralph reported to Frank t
ning as Indians, who always attack, they say, just before dawn, when the men on guard a
sent. She had come with Dottie Warren, and once, when it chanced that she and Frank met face to fa
was not caring in the least. Still, there were curious eyes that not
secretly pleased, because she was herself very fond of Frank. "Isn't it dreadful, girls? But then I thought their fr
with. Somehow, he felt very tired, though suspecting that his weariness might be more of the mind than the body. Still,
in the least a diplomat. Whenever he had anything worrying him, the fact seeme
not understand just how it could come while the boys were still at the singing school. Surely,
en his eyes fell on the figure of Ralph close by, as he
ky?" he demanded, as th
s he's been carried off by some of those disgruntled