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The Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron : or, the Struggle for the Silver Cup


Word Count: 2213    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

iad! Co

a High School-a rallying cry in time of emergency, when the enemy had carried the ball down close t

sitively to canvasmen connected with a traveling circus, when

ad their hats drawn far over their faces, in order to conceal their identity, while others had

sailant seeming desirous of venting hi


k the

belongs; we don't want

fellows! Make a cle

f the boy at bay. It was so cruel, so mean, so utterly uncalled for, that his whole

tree. In this way he was able to avoid considerable punishment, since the attack


Evidently Tony and Asa did not mean to take any chances when trying to

to hear the patter of swiftly-approaching footsteps, coming from the rear. They evidently shoute

itive assurance that friends were near, and with so many eager hands stri

ist into the face of a fellow who, in

and somehow it seemed to Ralph tha

of a glancing nature. For a brief period of time there was a constant maelstr

head, and almost stunned him for a second; one of the crowd, not daring t

and return the blow with interest. Despite the array of threatening fists that formed a half-circle in front, Ral

not get out of the way, nor was he, anticipating such a bold

res jumping into the fray. At the same instant new shouts arose, a volume of sound

comrades had reached the spot, and were in the act of practicing their gridiron tac

e against whom the angry Ralph had collided; for bot

satisfaction out of his attack, he found it utterly impossible to hang on to the squirming figure, w

rowd found itself outnumbered two to one, and while they struck b

the one who seem

prisoners!" whooped a tall lad, who

d enemy scattered in every direction, some running wildly do

, as he found that the fellow he had embraced w

had that dub, only for your interference. Such rotten luck!" gasped

of the boy they had

they pummel you hard?"

gs a bit from the nasty knock that sneak Asa

now? But what else could you expect from that snake in the grass? He never f

nailed him. I guess his head rings about as much as mine does. But, boys, you ca

happened too fast. Why, I don't believe I really got my windmill working freely when I was threshing the air

didn't get you?"

his body to test his muscles; "you see, there wasn't time enough for them to do much dama

ow give a whoop of pain, as if he had run up against

e shows a black eye to-morrow, give me credit for

ck was light

that for?" aske

ear lying around. We'd like to know who these pirates are, you see, and here's a chance to get a

y? Pass 'em around, f

ce, as eager eyes scanned the ground. Twice cries of satisfaction announced that a find had rewarded the search,

e been. I think I ought to nail this gay old cap. Nobody but Bill Klemm ever dared wea

accidentally knocked his off in the river, and it sank. I know it is,

line on the bunch, al

a, and we've got the hats of three mor

ck, assuming the air of a drum major, a

g and laughter, the squa

d by his valiant bodyguard? I object. I'm only a common worm, like the rest of you, and not fit for thes

rm of commerce. And this is the reward we get for sacrificing our sleep to

lar star that has attracted the attention of all the meaner ones. Just

anyhow, to pull my chestnuts out of the fire for me," conclud

omed to such "stunts" on the part of the students, especially when there was a day of sport close by. At such times the

dverse comments arose. Many of those same men were old graduates themselves, and such patriotic

boarding place. And hearty were the "good nights" tha

nky walked h

w," remarked Frank, wit

ch on Ralph. Those chumps mean to get him yet if they can. I only hope I have just one more whack at some of that bunch. I nev

uck him with both fists together in the excitement. But it's a shame that Columbia fellows are fightin

firmly believe the school is united, and that you posses the confidence of the whole town. This is our lucky year

, you know. An accident might mar the finest play the gridiron ever knew. And then the treachery of these fellows always annoys me

ank; but here we are at your gate,

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