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Chapter 5Ā Five

Word Count: 1888 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 03/08/2024

thought, making sure the placement of the li

vely structure with brown peaks and sloping roofs. Large windows and thoughtful architecture. Warm and inviting, yet wild

become an artist. This was the type of home in which sheā€Ÿd like to see Sarah reside. She had always thought her friend more

was a domineering or roguish

erty," a deep, smooth voice stated.

n leaning casually against a garden pillar no more than fi

oed her feelings. "Trespassing?" s

of walking onto property

you are mistaken, sir

ng the time in

rd him. "No. Iā€Ÿm not a trespasser. I

uke?" He looked down a

m a trespass

ully. He wasnā€Ÿt just fashionably dressed, he was a model of fashion, but for the languid way he stood in his clothes. The strange feeling that he

of nobility," he

. "I know wh

and his gaze washe

est outfit, not having expected to run into anyone but skeleton

n par with this manā€Ÿs worst. "Yes, ev

dressing his scullers these days?" H

ng to your rude comments. Iā€Ÿm here on the orders of the earl. I wonā€Ÿt be but an hour, then

" His eyes


re. Meadowbrook is an hourā€Ÿs ride that way." He pointed. "Now scurry of

male beauty was dwarfed

rl has done to rile you so, bu

a striking motion with his hand, a sinister smile on

led off at the look of utter rage that passed over the ma

the damn dr

ounds to memory right now and run back to the safety of the carriage and driver. The other part was scream

society, of which his clothes and face clearly claimed him

s face hinted he was two steps fr

ast bit had sl

s trying to formulate an appropriate response when his forbidding look changed suddenly into on

hat caused alarming warmth to curl in her belly. "Terrible inbreeding is exactl

nswer, still

approached her, dropping into the seat beside her and stretching long legs. I

harp features. His body held the lithe type of grace found in the best predators as he lea

se. Do you think if we mated, t

he chok

flow of beauty and insanity." He put one hand to his chest and one

be done about her gawking. If she said what she was thi

her bonnet. "Now that I fully see you, hidden underneath that hideous

ing, he was stretching out, his bod

rd Grange for his tournament." He tapped his fingers together.

out his noticing, but he pi

uller. Come now, the sketch." He made a motion

terly daft. He used her inattention

is to Cheevers, or appalled at Roseford being so visually maul

raw the butterflies? Your mouth is

m, near enough for either to to

erfly landed, slowly flapped its wings twice, then lifted off. The manā€Ÿs head cocked to the side, watching

sponse that sprang to her

rribly appealing smile curved perfect lips as he leaned back on

terrible man." She wasnā€Ÿt sure she had ever met anyone

r with hot eyes, and relaxed f

lly cultivated his projected image under a veneer of disrepute. The type of man

licit desire and temptation, like a fresh summer strawberry coated in sugar and w

th his types, though sheā€Ÿd never been qu

one of the bench. "I wasnā€Ÿt expecting that. A pleasant surprise, of course, though you seem to be something of an ice pr

ilm of outrage, as she watched the movements

ld not

manner that said he knew e

ld not

cond later he had balled it up and tossed it over his shoulder. It sailed into twining

iend. "That was thirty minutesā€Ÿ worth o

For that? You should thank your inbred pas

thank you because Iā€Ÿve lost thirty min

ith the look in his eyes-far too dark and savage for a face so

s," she said with a relish she hadnā€Ÿt enjoyed in years. Unease slithered through her at the depth of the feeling

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