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How to Speak and Write Correctly

Chapter 9 STYLE

Word Count: 3135    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


as but be unable to express them in such a way as to appeal to others, consequently he cannot exert the full force of his intellectuality nor leave the imprint of his characte

l important places. The former are unable to impress their personality; they have great thoughts, great ideas, but these thoughts and ideas are locked up in their

uirements, the laborer is as useful in his own place as the philosopher in his; nor is it necessary to have many talents. One talent rightly used is much better than ten wrongly used. Often a man can do more with one than his contemporary can do with ten, often a man can make one dollar go farther than twenty in the hands of his neighbor, often the poor

anner in which a speaker or writer conveys his thoughts is known as his Style. In other words Style may be defined as the peculiar manner in which a man expresses his conceptions through the medium of language. It depends upon the choice of words and their arran

ones of their voices, so do they diffe

in their accounts though materially both descriptions will be the same as far as the le

like the oriflamme which surrounds the golden god of day as he sinks to rest amid the crimson glory of the burnished West, gave a divine exhibition of

natural Style. Needless to say it is to be preferred. The other should be avoided. It stamps the writer as a person of shallowness, ignorance and inexperience. It has been e

ch on the way it is presented as on the subject itself. One writer will make it attractive, another repulsive. For instance take a passage in history. Treated by one historian it is li


ning of the words we use, their exact literal meaning. Many synonymous words are seemingly interchangeable and appear as if the same meaning were applicable to three or four of them at the same time, but when all such words are reduced to a final analysis it is clearly seen that there is a marked difference in their meaning. For instance grie

meaning, spelling or pronunciation. Whenever you meet a strange word note it down until you discover its meaning and use. Read the best books you can get, books written by m

try to imitate their manner of expression. If a word is used

as well as a large one to cook your victuals and it is handy and convenient, but when your friends or neighbors come to dine with you, you

ed them now, pack them away in the garrets of your br

don't understand or clearly understand an


t the words are in current use by the best authorities, that they are used throughout the nation a

se and good taste. Good use tells us whether a word is right or

ve gained a place in the language, or th

n Commandments

se forei

t one will serve your purpose. Fir

ly by specialists in their respective lines, excep

t use

s "I guess" for "I think"; "

or antiquated words: as "lore, e'er,

rds and expressions; as, "on the

not established a place in the langu

al words and forms; as

s or phrases; as-"He show

weet sixteen" "the Almighty dollar," "Uncle Sam," "On the fence," "The Glorious Fourth," "Young America," "The lords of creation," "The rising generation," "The weaker

old as a lion," "Strong as an ox," "Quick as a flash," "Cold as ice," "Stiff as a poker," "White as snow," "Busy a

ity for you to introduce something novel or establish a precedent. The probability is you are not fit to do either, by education or talent. While following the style of those who are acknowledged leaders you can be original in your language. Try and clothe an idea different from what it has been clothed an

ul in regard to obsolescent words, that is, words that are at the present time

don't try to originate words. Leave that to the Masters of language, and don't be the first to

e new and the newest of the old." Pope p

antastic, if too new or old: Be not the first by whom t


om what they once possessed. "Prevent" formerly meant to go before, and that meaning is implied in its Latin derivation. Now it means to put a stop to, to hinder. To attain propriety of style it


s the same or almost the same meaning. The Anglo-Saxon element in our language comprises the simple words which express the relations of everyday life, strong, terse, vigorous, the language of the f


e that a meaning might be inferred from it otherwise than intended, he should re-write it in such a way that there can be no possible doubt. Words, phrases or clauses that are closely rel


it. A sentence may be constructed as to suggest the idea of oneness to the mind, or it may be so loosely put together as to produce a conf

n you have apparently brought your sentences to a close don't try


on the mind. In order to have strength the language must be concise, that is, much expressed in little compass, you must hit the nail fairly on the head and drive it in straight. Go critically over what you write and strike out every word, phrase and clause the omi


form is now nearly obsolete, the plural you being almost universally used. To obtain harmony in the se


a matter of structure in composition it is the indication of what a


fact there are as many styles as there are writers, for no two authors write exactly after the same form. However, we may class

l to any sense of beauty. Its object is simply to express the th

to make clear and concise statements without any elaboration

have correct figures, pure diction and clear and harmonious sentences

y excess which would degrade. Macaulay and Addison have been enthroned

perficial ornamentation and strains after a highly co

example of it in Sergeant Buzfuz' speech in the "Pickwick Papers." Among other varieties of style may be mentioned the colloquial, the laconic, the concise, the diffuse, the abrupt the flo

ividuality of the writer, or in other words, as the French wri

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