From Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic. A Story of the Drink Curse
Author: Austin Potter Genre: LiteratureFrom Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic. A Story of the Drink Curse
we should return to
rest to the weary soul who came to Him; so, leaving little Mamie in care of Eddie and Allie, she retired to her room to weep and also to pray. She was literally following the injunc
y the hedgerows of dear old England, plucking the daisies from the meadows and listening to the sweet strains of the lark as it carolled its lay to the morning. Sunny visions of the past, with loved faces wandering in th
fter frie
not lost
o union he
not here
re her, each for a moment, and then vanished away, like dissolving views. Some who sought her then were now opulent, filling positions of honor and gr
nvoluntary sigh as she passionately exclaimed: "Oh drink, thou hast been our curse; turning ou
tum, I have such a pe
came in, an almost perfect picture of innocent beauty; as with eyes spar
boy to get it for me? Now, mamma, I'm dust going
She then turned, and taking Mamie in her arms brushed her golden curls, which, young as she was, hung down her back, fal
and the features of her father. And in disposition and mental characteristics she also inherited qualities from both father and mother; for she possessed the sprightly animation of the former which ever and anon bubbled over in gentle, kindly mischief. While she, also, posse
with animation or melting with tenderness, they wondered not that she was the pet of home, and ge
, and I asked him, before he went away, if he 'oved oo and Eddie and Allie, and he taid he did, and tha
their blue settings, ran in pearly drops down over her cheeks. Her mother snatched her closel
r home for us all, and after awhile he will come back for
was in Tanada, and that he was coming over after us. And he taid, mamma that Tanada was so cold we would not have
will find Canada much colder than this country. God will take care of us there, Mamie, if
said Mamie, "den
take care of him." And then she added-the thought seeming to come intuitively to her mind. "O, Dod, don't let my papa drink,
And as the little innocent knelt there, a perfect picture of seraphic bea
n spirit kneel besid
purely feel, with
ncircle thee with l
on Deity, and heav
od might ever keep he