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Untold: The Dark Story Of Everwood

Chapter 2 The Dark Echos

Word Count: 4032    |    Released on: 26/07/2024

f a vivid nightmare clinging to her consciousness. She had dreamt of the mansion, of dark corridors and whispering shadows. Shaking off the

the diary to the second entry. Eliza's

ber 3,

eling of being watched. Last night, I heard whispers again, echoing through the halls. Mother is ill, her conditi

between her own experiences and Eliza's were unsettling. D

ber 10

n the forest, his body twisted and broken. No animal could have done such a thing. Father forbids us from sp

ole. She had met Nathan a few months ago while covering a series of break-ins.

nswered, trying to k

ound the old Blackwood mansion last night,

ound something there, Nathan. An old diary. It talks about

ood's got a lot of history, some of it not so pleasant. Be car

." She hung up, his wor

ciety. The small, dusty building was tucked away on a quiet street, often over

today?" Mrs. Thompson asked, her e

a diary at their old mansion and wanted to le

... a tragic family. So much sorrow and mystery surrounding t

she pulled out a dusty box labeled "Blackwood Family." Inside w

f Eliza Blackwood, her eyes strikingly similar to Amelia's own. Beneath it, a faded newsp

lia's shoulder. "She was deeply involved in the town's affairs, al

t was happening?" Amelia a

too great. She vanished without a trace in 1880, and her d

er own journey. Thanking Mrs. Thompson, she took the photograp

to the diary, each entry revealing more ab

ber 25

adows move when no one is there. Mother's fever has taken her mind, and she speaks of terrible

impending doom was palpable. She needed to understand what

her desk lamp. The atmosphere felt oppressive, as if the shadows were closing in arou

ed, her heart pounding. Another knock, more insistent this time. She caut

he opened the door. "Nathan

he said, his expression serious. "You've got th

u have no idea. This diary... it's like reading

pen diary on her desk.

elia said, gestur

is expression grew grimmer with each entry. "T

itted. "But I can't shake the feeling th

"Then we need to find out what happened to

collected from the Historical Society. As midnight approached, they decided to tak

nd thunder rumbling ominously. Amelia felt a growing sense of drea

wake by a chilling scream. She sat up, heart racing, a

?" she whispered,

yes scanning the roo

allway leading to the bedroom. The shadows seemed to dance ar

lunging them into darkness. Amelia clutched Na

ispered, his voice ste

it open slowly, his flashlight cutting through the darkness.

hostly figure standing outside. It was Eliza, her face twisted i

Amelia whispered,

his flashlight tightening.

an icy chill in its wake. They hurried back to t

Nathan muttered, running

oice barely above a whisper

figure out what she's trying to tell us. We c

uldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, that somethi

determined to uncover the truth. Amelia found

mber 1

here is something in this town, something ancient and evil. I have found old texts, hidden in the library, that speak of a curse. It binds it

ith determination. "We need to find those tex

d. But we can't do it

rmal and local historians, while Amelia would return to the Blackwood mansion to search for the hidden t

ore; Peter Graham, a seasoned paranormal investigator; and Linda Torres, a librarian with extensive knowledge of

the mansion. This time, she was armed with more than just a flashlight and her wits. She had the supp

e mansion. The atmosphere was tense, the oppressive feeling of being watched growing stronger a

cialized equipment, while Linda had brought several reference books and protecti

ory and despair. They moved cautiously through the rooms, their flashlights cutting throug

Amelia said, her voice firm. "Eliza

idden compartments or passages. Peter used a device to scan for any irregula

rching, Evelyn called out. "Over

m the rest. With a few careful taps and pushes, a hidden panel slid open, revealing a small, du

g as she recognized the symbols. "These are texts on ancie

d. Amelia felt a connection to Eliza, as if her spirit was guiding them. They

tails of the curse. They discovered that the curse had been placed by a powerful sorcerer who had been wronged by

ne descended from the original townspeople, as well as certain rare herbs and a p

erous, and finding the Eye of Shadows seemed nearly

elia said, her voice resolute. "And we n

s. Maybe we can track down the artifac

I'll start researching immediately. We might have s

hey were closer than ever to ending the curse, but the danger was growing. The mansion

o protect the texts and continue their work. As they settled in t

watched. She glanced around nervously, her

xpression grim. "Yea

o darken, the shadows creeping closer. Suddenly, a cold wind swept through

m, her breath coming in qui

words were unintelligible, but the tone was filled with anger and ha

ered, his voice steady des

ir way toward the door. The whispering grew louder, echoing aro

aid, his grip on her arm ti

y, slamming it shut behind them. The whispering ce

the wall, her heart ra

is voice grim. "But whatever i

keep an eye on all the entrances. As they settled down, Amelia couldn't shake

Amelia's thoughts kept returning to Eliza, wondering what she had endured in th

he ritual, while Nathan had tracked down a possible lead on the Eye of Shadows. It was said

aid, determination in her eyes.

repared. Whatever is protecting tha

phere tense with anticipation. The road was long and winding, the

re now crumbling and overgrown with vines. The air was thick wi

g shadows on the decaying walls. The interior was dark and forebo

in dust and cobwebs. Nathan's flashlight revealed a hid

carefully examining the symbol

and gestures. The air grew colder, the symbols glowing faintly before fadi

tled in a bed of velvet, was the Eye of Shadows. The artifact was a da

ed, awe and fear mingling i

the air grew heavy with malevolence. The shadows seemed

of here," Nathan s

pering returned, louder and more threatening, echoing through the church.

ve atmosphere lifted slightly, but the sense of dang

necessary components, while Peter and Nathan kept watch. Amelia felt a sense of

to Eliza and the town's history, took her place at the center. Th

bs burned, filling the air with a pungent smoke. The Eye of Shado

sed her eyes, focusing on Eliza's strength and determination. She

furious roar. The room shook, the air crackling with dark energy.

g, Amelia;

tective box, knowing its power was no longer a threat but a reminder of th

ber 2

h longer, but I leave this diary as a testament to our struggle. To anyone who reads this, know that

weeks seemed to lift off her shoulders, replaced by a sense of peace

windows. Amelia smiled wearily, feeling the exhaustion of the long night. Just as they were about

ck. "That's odd. It's not

lying open, the pages fluttering as though stirred by an unseen breeze. The

r down her spine. The diary had opened to a

ber 3

ords, I feel an old presence returning. It seeks revenge for its defeat. Beware, f

r throat. "Nathan, look at t

e read the words. "This doesn't make any sense.

e walls. Amelia and Nathan exchanged worried glances. The flickerin

d a cold wind swept through, extinguishing all the lights. The

ess. The light revealed a shadowy figure standing in the do

rt raced. "W

t seemed to be swallowed by the darkness. The figure st

han said, his voice tight with f

darkness. Amelia's hand fumbled for her phone, but the screen was blank. Pani

ces that seemed to seep into their minds, sowing fear and c

Shadows. The light pushed back the darkness, revealing the shadowy figure in it

ense light. When it subsided, the apparition had v

d been, their breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps. The darkn

n said, his voice trembling

y. The last words written by Eliza seemed to have disappeared, leaving only

y, "but it seems something else has been awakened. W

es. "We'll figure this out. Whatever i

Eliza's final warning hung over them. The battle was far from ove

raveling the new terror that had emerged from the shadows. The path ahead was uncertain, b

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