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Chapter 2 I am Jenna

Word Count: 993    |    Released on: 19/07/2024

this happe

She committed Suicide" She broke into

e been using her" she continued " After seeing that she couldn't bear to face her inlaws as she stood outside for a long time, she had nowh

re probably living their best lives right now

w that Jenna's husband was having an affair and he didn't even bother to show up for this 40-day Ritual. If she finds out about it, she might not be able t

nd was so lost in thought. All of a sudden I felt a strong arm covering my mouth so I couldn't shout an

times with a deadly weapon" and with that, I opened my eyes to observe my environment. I was in the backseat and the stalker from earlier was driving.... I was so scared, didn't

"Wait, don't run please" I heard my stalker shouting and running after me but I didn't listen. I ran until I was tired a

aced this man and kicked his ass again. He was on the floor still struggling while held his

man, this is why I don't like

sness but you were already declared dead. During the funeral, your husband and in-law didn't even shed a single tear, You said they were stoic. You came to me and begged me to do the plastic surgery for you because I was the doctor from the change show. You risk

cause you had too much anesthesia. It's a side effect of general anesthe

and to make the whole thing worse, I couldn't remember anything about my life. He threw a bot

l slip into delusion and hallucination if you

w me aside and change the door code to my apartment" he said angrily. I couldn't say a single word "That is my apartment!"

my way " And how can I trust you" I sai

y ritual. You didn't do all that because you are nosy or curious. You did all that because it is personal" he said. "You were able to kick my ass twice and armloc

" he was right

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