rties, or in his early fifties at the most. Good god โ that would mean that when he shut himself off from the world, he was โ well he was HER age, or very near it. What could have happened to him at
it was apparent to Belle early on that he was very intelligent. Not necessarily book smart like she was but โ he had a very sharp mind, that was without question. So why lock himself away from the wo
d that one out of the cabinet every morning. Was he mocking her? Trying to get in a subtle dig at her clumsiness and gullibility for falling for his little 'quip' as he put it? Belle tried not to think abou
to me?" Belle asked.
have to." he replied. Bel
read." Belle said. Gold remained quiet. "It's a nice little town, but โ well there's just one small problem. Nobody likes you." He still said nothing. "I know that bothers
s. You'd do well to learn
t because you don't care if you have any frie
ion โ is for your protection and nothing more. If it weren't, I would have sent you packing the
you and prattle." Belle reached out and touched his hand, a soft smile forming on her face. Gold looked down at her hand in disbelief, then
have work to do. And you โ have laundry to do. I'll take lunch in m
iron and press any items that required it, and put everything away in an orderly fashion. She had already looked in his closet once while cleaning the room the other day; his clothes were o
hed the time so that she would have his lunch prepared and taken up to his study promptly at noon. When lunch time arrived, she head
" Gold said. Belle sat the tray d
ke anything or do you just spin the yarn and then just leave it?" Gold still did not reply. "You have
n't going to satisfy your curious nature, is it? I will up your limit to three, will that be satisfactory enough? I hope it is because I am quickly losing my pa
this house for twenty years and all. She really couldn't understand what all the fuss in town was about over him. Sure, he was a bit eccentric, but he was basically harmless. And she was certain that his icy and distant demeanor was all
ng like that. And the only thing she ever saw him reading were newspapers and business magazines, all of which were delivered to his house daily. She never saw him use a computer. Did he even HAVE a computer, she wondered. This house seemed devoid of most modern luxuries. She wasn't even sure he had a cell phone. He had an old-fashioned looking desktop phone in his
table waiting for her this time. That was odd. He was never late. Belle wasn't sure what to do. Was he alright? Shoul
take care of." Gold said, and he sat down, his
no work questions, I forgot." Belle said. "But who
zones in the world, Mi
ections on an internationa
y that." G
said. Gold ate his breakfast, continuin
et with silence. And actually, you've already met your 'three question' quota for the day, so it will be met with silence regardless." Belle shrugged her shoulders and sat down at the
ng to figure you
inner time then. And I expect the floors to be spotless, and do take care with my rugs when you clean those, quite a bit of work went into making them." Gold got up and left the room. On Thursdays, Belle was to mop and wax all of the non-carpet
once again, and she went into town to shop and was greeted with the same coldness that she received the prior week. But just as she was determined to figure out mo
n her own because no one in town wanted to speak with her. She walked by Granny's Diner once again. She was told not to go back in there โ but Belle ha
t want any trouble, I just โ I just want to know where the library is. You seem
me outside โ I'll bring you some lunch and some of that cherry cobbl
tared, some whispered, and some did both. She was starting to hate this little town โ she actually received more war
ed. They walked together and found a picnic bench to sit on. Ruby took some
the girls began to eat their lunch. "S
t โ my parents died when I was five and โ well I
ere asking about the library.
? Why not?"
re's one in Collinsport, it's the next town over but โ I wouldn't recommend going th
torybrooke anyway, so I guess tha
of his rules?
." Belle
ke? Mr. Gold?
r comes to town
โ a long time ago. He still collects the rent bu
" Bell
's not a bad landlord, if things need fixing they get fixed, he always
ly. Just โ misunderstood. Maybe you can com
ranny would have a fit.
as he done?"
lames him for st
uff?" Be
โ well, the rest of the town might hold the fact that you work for him against you, but I don
hank you."
y said, and she got up and left, leaving Belle with even m
sed them; romance novels, not really her favorite genre but at least it was something to read. She entered the foyer and was shocked to hear loud sh
hall when she reached the top of the stairs. By the time she arrived at the open door of the study, Gold was wandering through the room like a madman, smashing several of his cherished knick-knacks with his cane and screaming in anger. Belle gasped at the sight as she watched him. Gold di
ed, trying to hide the fact that she was a bit nervous. She hadn't s
have it. I'm a madman โ certifiably insane. Is that what you wanted to know? Well now you have proof. And you'd bes
ve spent enough time with you to know that you're as sane as I am. I'll let you get back to โ whatever you were doing. And you can tell your visitor to come out of hiding, I'll make myself scarce for the rest of the day. I'll
Emma said. She walked over to the coffee table and picked up one of the glasses of iced tea. "The infamous Ian Gold, left tongue-tied and speechless by a little