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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 2860    |    Released on: 12/07/2024

he completed these tasks, then proceeded to the bathroom and cleaned in there. Belle was impressed at Mr. Gold's neatness – most men, in her experience, were slobs in general, but Mr. Gold appeared to be a bit of a neat freak – everything ups

ctor. Many of these items appeared to be quite expensive. Belle was instructed to dust each and every one of them, and she did so with great care. She was certain this task would take the remainder of the afternoon. She wondered where he got all of these items. But one thing piqued her curiosity more than the others – in a corner of the room sat an old-

say one word to her as she set his food down and poured his coffee. She did, however, notice that the cup he had taken from t

en went back to reading as he at his dinn

in your study?" Belle asked. Mr.

replied, then wen

" Belle said. Mr. Gold

tion per day, Princess. I didn't say that yo

not a common hobby for a man. Or anyone

ommon man."

on trait in men, either. But you – seem to li

Belle sat quietly

r suits every d

one question answered today, but if you like

nother snippy 'because I do'. Is that going

ne for Monday the

no one comes here. What's the point? I mean, if you're here alone all day you could just

Do you have a problem with that?" Gold aske

wered the first one so I guess that's fair." Belle said. Gold tossed his magazin

ou." Gold said. An

he began a bit later than the others. But at 8:30 sharp, there he was, at the table, waiting for

t a problem?

wear whatever color

do on Sundays th

cess, and you will not trick me into an

count!" Bel

tion, was it n

tion per day, but you get as

st answered another question. He glared at her and continued eating his breakfast i

e chipped cup ag

d said. "Does t

here any specific instructions for that?" Gold looked up at her and didn'

eaned up in the kitchen and after she was finished she proceeded to his office. As with everything else in his house, it was organized precisely. There was no clutter on the desk; it did

the corner. It was dark and dismal and this was the room he spent the majority of his time in. No wonder he was so cranky all the time. She'd be cranky too if she were in the dark all of the time. Belle walked over to the window next to his desk and tried to pull ba

d a voice ask from behind her

. These blinds won't open, it's almost a

ackward so fast she was unable to stop herself from falling. Without thinking and without hesitation, Gold moved quickly, dropped his cane, and grabbed her in his arms as she fell. He held her without moving for a moment,

t else to say to him. She picked up his

taking the cane from her

ld glared at her. "Come on, that's a l

e." Gold

" Belle said, looking at the one s

If he hadn't caught her she could have been hurt, badly. Killed, even. And he saved her. Belle smiled to herself – she truly did not understand this man at all. But something told her he wasn't as bad

t her life changed, and she had been moved from one isolated situation to another. But now she could at least get out for a bit. She was anxious to see people other than Mr. Gold. He had a car for her to take, and Mrs. Potts had left detailed directions for getting around the town. Belle had to remember to introduce he

became quiet and stoic. Every last one of them. They conducted their business with her in a terse and abrupt manner. Belle returned to the manor saddened by this. Her first day out and about was not what she had hoped

e table, ready with her daily question. "Why

that they did.

s your new housekeeper, their entire demeanor toward me changed. They were cold

ffairs in town every Monday ina purely business-like manner and t

e said. Gold continued to eat his dinner, no

I believe, falls under the 'personal' category

ther you then?

ow and you have worked hard this week so I am generously offering you the opportunity

ill -" Be

." Gold said. Flustered and a bit angry, Belle left the room and headed downstai

two, though she hated the idea of 'brunch', it always seemed pretentious to her. Belle ate her meal quietly in the dining room, alone. After she finished, she decided to venture into town once again, this time for her own personal needs. She was hoping to find the town library, maybe check out a few books, but she couldn't seem to locate it. She returned to t

d 'Granny's Diner' and decided to stop in. She wasn't particularly hungry but perhaps a nice dessert was in order. She stepped inside the din

ith a smile on her face. It was the fi

mend as far as the dess

is the favorite – would you l

Oh, and an iced tea, u

ithin minutes she brought Belle what sh


he girl said. "Are you new in to

Lacey Woods. I just moved h

et you." Ruby said. "So wha

raid to say."

ome big secre

an interrupted. "That's what brou

said. Her entire demeanor and to

ot that bad – why does ever

met him?"

urse I've met him." Be

in the kitchen." th

, I -" Ruby

oman turned and looked at Belle. "I think it's best if y

Mr. Gold?" Belle asked. Everyone in the restaurant turned and looked at

y said. "Now please - I thin

e upset you the last time he came here?

to town." Granny said. "He hasn't le

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