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Falling For His Stand-in Bride

Falling For His Stand-in Bride


Chapter 1 Substitute

Word Count: 704    |    Released on: 26/07/2024

r. After the wedding, he asked me, "Why did you betray him? Why couldn't you achieve your goal of becoming the emperor's concubine

Prince Connor come yet? It's already la

ft my red veil, and that we would live in harmony and grow old together. Even though I knew he lo

you. You spent every day with Allison and know her pe

inor official with a meager salary. Since we had managed to

sister's substitute. I

o-be died unexpectedly. Although it wouldn't lead to our complete destr

rately, tears streaming

on, I was Ashley. I couldn't defy my father's orders. Since

ook me a long time to realize that this man was Prince Connor. I thought we would never

spect him. The wedding candles burned down bit by bit, but P

dence gossiped, "The new bride sat a

r was nowhere

e Connor went to a b

ood, everyone favored my sister. Even though we looked the same, I couldn't com

I married in place of my sister, and m

ruly abandoned

nd have a good personality. Everyone at the C

second young lady i

st young lady." Sandra r

vants around me secretly mocked me, but I responded

secret. This marriage wa

r the past few days, I happily explored the entire residence. Indeed, Prince Connor lived up to his rep

wondered if Prince Connor would come tonight. What did it matter if he didn't? If he came, I would have to preten

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