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Falling For His Stand-in Bride

Chapter 2 You still owe me a life, slowly pay it back

Word Count: 750    |    Released on: 26/07/2024

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I couldn't help but chase butterflies with my fan. I focused intently on the butterfly before me, but

s a hint of ink-a scent that belo

," I greeted h

shley, where has your usual coyness gone? Ar

me. I could only murmur, "Yo

change their demeanor every day, their mood shifting constantly.

he turned

dance before me, and thought of my sister. Did Pr

dow of her former self. That night, the fire was said to have started

stumbled into my room

Empress is shattered. How does i

m my sleep in a daze. His face was f

ped you like a goddess, not daring to touch you. And

e first time. My sister had always been polite and proper, but when no one

ut she would turn around and find various reasons to take away the things I liked. She o

mong the family, while I spent my time with beggars and orphans in th

nd naturally hoped her husband would be exceptional too. Discovering a more suitable

lready gone. His hand tightened around my neck. "Now that you can't

. You owe me a life, and I wil

ength was too unequal. The red bedding and h

Their grudges were none of my concern, only the debt of life-saving grac

ne with a paper umbrella, enjoying the scenery until I reached the edge of the city. There, I saw a little girl playing with a shuttlecock. She was so adorable and lively that I couldn't help bu

out, only to realize that I couldn't swim. I struggled helplessly, water choking me, unable t

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