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Forbidden Love Volume

Chapter 3 MARRIAGE

Word Count: 1462    |    Released on: 16/06/2024



ng off my armor and she helped me with it. Now that I had General Declan by my side my plans would be much ea

asked eagerly about my m

"It went well''

ell. Your face says

brows pretending to be su

t now. I knew I co

road but I know you will prevail

led out to whoever it was. Shortly af

ess'', he b

ct. I raised a questioning eyebr

n him in the living room

Marie who wa

hing urgent

gdom of Malipish. They requested you

from a foreign and wealthy kingdom request the presence of a princess who isn't

', I said to the guard and wi

helped me change into a black silk gow

vage. The top was fit, revealing my bust, but was loose from the waist down. The way I was dressed was subtle yet elegant even though I ha

ready reached the living room where the king was meeting with his guests. I halted at the doors where two guards stood firmly at both sides. They saluted me by placing their right fists on the left side of their chests. I stared at the doors wondering what awaited me behind them. I nodded to t

s knowing I was the princess wh

daughter of late king Alexander, Ava'', my uncle introd

the room elegantly."Your majesty. My lords

is a pleasure to finally meet you my lady'', the shorter and

', I tried to remember his nam

royal council of Malipish'

'', I repea

wait for his turn to shower me with apprai

ander of the royal guards of Malipish'', he sai

placed them on their chests and then straightened up. It seemed that was how

done, he motioned to me to sit in a chair beside him. I wanted to decline at f

?''My uncle asked his guests and th

riq remarked. "Now that I see you, there is truly no doubt you look a lot like your father'', he added. I heard that from people a lot, but t

skilled swordswoman'', commander Noor who

had her military training since she was thirteen. So, as

me anything, even when I told him I wanted to train in swordsmanship, he didn't object even though I was too young for that. He showed me no

self together, I looked over at the guests and they seemed to await m

ed me, "We were wondering if you participate i

his majesty thinks it a dangerous and unbefitting involvement for a noblewoman or any woman", I expla

ssion I'd like to join the royal army instead", I said as I turned my head to my uncle, knowing he wouldn't want to hurt his pride in t

the faces of the guests and their gazes shifted between the king and me. There was some sor

began to explain. "The kingdom of Malipish has offered to help and the perfect way to form a long-lasting alliance is through marriage",

urged him

re getting

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