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Claimed by My Brother's Best Friend

Chapter 2 02: Even Lunch

Word Count: 1584    |    Released on: 27/05/2024

rushing out. I waved at my mother who stretched out a flask filled with fruits. My dad left early this morning so he could not drop me. You must be thinking that I mig

t it from him. He waved at Lestian who I know must have blushed because he had his signature cute guy smile on his lips. I sneered at him and he snorted with a shrug. I collected it and went back to my best friend. "I told you to be careful of my brother." I bit out and she also shrugged. "Your brother is hot and I won't lie." She said it like it was nothing. Like telling me that my brother is hot to my face was nothing. I grimaced. "Keep that fantasy to your head." I pointed at her and she chuckled. I shook my head and we both stepped into the class. We greeted the people we knew before going to our respective seats and started chatting about things obviously unrelated to academics. The teacher soon came and did an introduction since not all students resumed the first week. While he began teaching, a wave of someone's presence slightly brushed my skin and I lifted my eyes up instantly, glancing around the class. Was I the only one that felt like that? Because everyone was busy and focused on the board. Then just right there, the guy who had slammed the door to my face stood, appearing with his hands in his pockets and his eyes strangely and particularly on me. Surprise coated my face and my brows itched together. Mrs Wellston was sort of introducing him to the teacher but I could hardly hear anything. Nothing of the word they were saying did I hear. I was focused on him. I don't know why but I could not take my eyes off him, I tried to. But it felt magnetic. Felt like a pull. A pull towards him. I felt my fist clench into a ball. And I still could not break it. It was just like an attraction with a thread. Like the thread that had been tugged towards him ... I felt a jab at my side and the connection broke. I wanted to look up again but they both left the class, not with his lingering gaze on me before the teacher turned to the class. Wait, what was that? Was he not in my class? Well, I was glad that he was not in my class because I didn'tknow how I will deal with that. The second period for class came and we started it. Throughout, I could not help the emotion gnawing at my gut. What was he doing here? Like... The teacher asked some questions and the students who were delighted in being the star stood up and answered. The time for break approached and I was likely the first to pack my things and stand up. "Hey," Lestian called out and I cast a glance at her. My eyes and mind seemed far away and hazy. "Is everything alright?" She questioned as s

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