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Descendant Of The Moon Goddess

Chapter 2 That's a child abuse

Word Count: 1095    |    Released on: 16/05/2024

fresh in my mind - the blood, the screams, the chaos. But it was all just a dream, right? I tried to convince myself that it was just a bad dream, but the sense of dread lingered

till as rude as always. "How in the World does he expect to be loved with this disgusting and rude behaviour of his" I cussed. I checked the time and saw that I just have eighteen minutes left. I quickly took off my clothes and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. I wouldn't want to piss me off by delaying because pissing him off and delaying also delays my pay. "What a Dickhead." I cussed again under my breathe. Within minutes, I was done taking my bath and I went straight to my room to get ready. I quickly dried my hair and put on a simple outfit. Took my phone from the bed and dash off my room. I didn't bother checking myself in the mirror to see if I look presentable because I didn't even have the time to as my annoying unloved boss is already waiting for me. Few Minutes Later I arrived at my boss's house sweating profusely, I checked the time and saw that I have 2 minutes left and I breathe in relief. I went in without knocking and stopped on the spot with what I saw. "Not again, Boss." I gave him a disgusting look. My sex freak of boss was banging his personal driver "You can come join us." He smirked. "Having a threesome is definitely on my bucket list but having it with some one like you isn't on it ." I shunned him. He immediately stood up and instructed his driver to leave. "At least you should have both allowed your selves cum before letting go of each other." I mocked him. He ignored me as he went to get his shorts from the couch and put it on. "The reason I called you is to help me carry out a quest. It isn't really a quest as it's just about protecting someone and making sure He isn't hurt" He said. "He has

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