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Descendant Of The Moon Goddess

Descendant Of The Moon Goddess

Author: Loner

Chapter 1 Noooooo, mama

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 16/05/2024

ncess," Mom assured me but it was the opposite of nothing as our pack was in disarray. "Mom, it doesn't seem like nothing is happening, mom, please answer me." "Are we going to die?" I asked innoce

nce the time comes, now drink it," She gave it to me and I didn't hesitate and I gulped it all. "That's why you are my baby girl." She played with my curly hair and I smiled. "Where is the little outcast??!" I heard a voice nearby and it looks like it was coming to my direction. Mom quickly hold my hands and dragged me inside the dark hidden spot. She looks so scared. I have never in my life seen her in that state. "Mother, what are we doing in here? Why are you trying to hide me?" I asked her as tears began falling off my eyes. "We don't have enough time to talk about that but you just need to promise me something." Mom said. "What is that, mommy?" I asked her as she wiped the tears off my tiny cheeks. "Promise me that no matter what you hear, you would never come out of this hiding spot. " She Asked me as she stared deep into my eyes. "I promise not to come out mommy," I assured her and she planted a kiss on my forehead. "I love you, My little warrior." She sobbed as she fumbled my cheek one last time. She stood up, and was about to leave me. "Where are you going, mom? I thought you are supposed to stay with me?" I blurted out and she stopped right on her tracks as she turned to look at me. "I am going to be back, baby, I'm going to find papa and we are going to come back together." She assured me. "Sweetie, no matter what, no matter the voice you hear, no matter how desperate the voice sound. Never come out." She warned and I nodded my head. She looked at me one more time and mouthed "I love you" before closing the door. After minutes being alone. I heard that same

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