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Yours Daddy

Chapter 4 Wet Yet Again

Word Count: 1630    |    Released on: 31/05/2024


ds with a tone tone that gave off the opposite

oice. I turned my back

a bit surprised that he was

e so early?" I question

cking up my calls. You got me worried sick" he g

cognise him already. C'mon, I'll do the introduction"

ears now. You have probably seen him once

ing a dark aura, something he usually suppressed whenever I was there with him but I guess that had changed over th

here frequently so the guards already knows him pret

estricted access to this place wi

with a small fr

s gaze from

ir." Rick said almost awkwardly

ip on Rick's hand

." I said and had barely turned


back. And

" I g

iving room" his voice was hard as well as his e

noting tha

essing his lips into a thi

gers tapping at the table. Those fingers had touched me last

ad arose from the mere recalling of that memory. What the hell was

eries and began e

e Rick?" Russo asked in s

ce him as my boyfriend, Russo. He is my

ave been gone for five years, it will be a bit wei

nd his expression wasn't hard eithe

e dinning room to the living roo

don't know him that much anymore" I apologize

ing" Rick shrugged hi

? In what wa

chuckled and then tur

before cupping my face in his ha

an last night" he mumble

an about last n

joke and I only found out hours after you had left. They wanted you to hook up with someone and

to pulp their brain

st night was because of Tim

d do that in my right senses. Not when I am und

last night?" Rick a

o what?"

r you in that state. Did you get so

sharply, feeling my heart beat

again but it was fucking Russo! It was Russo who had held me down last night and rubbed my clit, he was

lost control for and called daddy. A kink of mine that I had promised m

eping onto me from the thoughts of last night. Per

all yourself?

kward having to tell you I did that" I looked away

you don't have to feel awkward, everyone does that every

t out his cock or attempt to cum in front of me. He had left afte

t instead, an image of Russo jerking off his

zy!" I hit myself on the

Rick asked and I

w pressing my thighs together to halt

hed up. Are the effects of the

up on my feet and he su

you need

help from anyo

t?" I laughed it off and h

us chuckle and I walked away, running

was almost at my room when I saw Russo. He was sta

d to the spot. He was still talking over the phone, mutter

ack shirt and black trousers. The black shirt had its sleeves rolled back and

reek god. But I... I should

and tucked the pho

g me of when he called me tha

pill that would make me lo


r fr

ld be

e squinted

an stay for a bit longer i

s hands into his back pockets

omorrow" he grabbed my

nough mon

d there..." He reached his hand to my li

h him?! And what the hell w

les would be poking hard right now

thing on your

Don't go around touching me" I said, hop

oom, walked in and sh


s. Wet. I was soaking wet and it was because of him.

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