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Yours Daddy

Chapter 3 He Doesn't Mean It

Word Count: 1491    |    Released on: 15/05/2024


my bathroom wall and a hand to my cock, fisting

ecalling the expression on Rosaline's f

" I rasped, watching my pre cum

eautiful and so de

the taste of her was still

hen gritted my teeth as I reached

almost in animalistic pleasu

she had her third orgasm was replayin

avily, reaching for the sho

n the world could I ever control this lust anymore? Would I still be able to stay away from her bo

She had to be 24, going

ch as we had no blood relations because I had been adopted into the family, I was sti

rabbed the towel, wrapping it around my wai

towel. I had a bit of work to deal with but I

through it for a few seconds before

El Mas

t Russo but then I had gotten t

at the men on guard for the night. All at my disposal. I could grab a gu

ssimo more powerful and more feared. Power felt

business and the mafia business. I hated oppositions more

stronger your enemies. That was true cause those mo

nted to think about. All it wanted was to th



have happened" I said to myse

so has been gone for five years now and there's no way he would be coming home a

out of every other guy in the whole wor

en... Imagined of him last night. His dark hair held in a handsome haircut and that body of his, so masculine. Russo should be about 6'4 at height and

uld almost see the image of me in his arms, m

g off and ran a hand through my hair. Everything a

and I should spend today ge

walked to my door. The image of Russo

to my bedside table where I

from it. I had missed load of call

been worried

he mansion. The other dinning room was a much bigger one that was only used when

sending a message to Rick while

rning, S

xt few seconds, I didn't raise my head up from the phone and when I eventually did

f the dinning room, man spread an

d in his arms. I had spread my legs for his hands to access m

ed open, vulnerable and the w

him touch me and worst still, I had liked every bit of it. I had

nd not have breakfast, right?" He asked

even though my insides

le and sat on a chair, leav

leries and dug it into the meal b

e cutlery wi

found his eyes looking at me with a look that remi

nd dirty so I a

ot drugged at the club I went to with my friends or something but whatever it is, I am really grateful to you for he... Helping me. It isn't the kind of help we should render to each other but you didn't think about it and went ahead to help me.

ded out by his reaction but

ness. I already know fully well, Sunshine" his eyes caught mine and this ti

but there was something about the way he said the words. S

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