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A Chance At Forever: Chasing His Divorced Love

Chapter 5 The Unexpected Encounter

Word Count: 1616    |    Released on: 11/05/2024


, and I started walking to the front door. Then I stopped in my tracks, turned around, walked into the room,

work while I wailed about how much of a failure my life and marriage were. Plus, I n

ad always assumed it was my fault, or that I was constantly making mistakes. However, up

, Penelope. I had no idea about the type of life they had introduced him to, nor was I aware of the things that had h

. I reached for the sponge and started washing a

doing?” I heard Maria say and tur

I continued washing. “If we’re going to l


rmous house and still look after me. I have to

, but I turned, locked gazes wit

was drenched in soap bubbles, for her to see. “This is the last one, and unless you can con

d the soapy water, and turned on the tap to replace it with clean

where I was standing. I chuckled and resisted the urge to tell her that I preferred to wash the tra

tions, then wiped my palms on a towel. She nodded in response and to

not indisposed; you don

all sounds the same to me,” she insi

crying for the rest of my life; I need to

reat? You could spend time

I knew how I was going to get information from Rogerio withou

tioned with a co

around the city. That

driver,” she responded and star

ed around to look at me. “We’re the only o

r gaze. “It’s going to be hard to get us

’ll get by.” I retort

d to walk towards the front door. I thought a

they looked in the right places; for this mission, I had to be as

I added and started walking to where she was standing. “It’s been a

behind, half expecting to see that Rogerio had taken all the cars. I wasn’t surprised t

ft through a side door. I walked up to th

ld be visiting the buildings that housed the penthouses owned by the Thuthais. At least the ones I knew ab

fe, and I looked up to see my companion staring at me, a concerned expressio

the door. As it opened up, she walked up to me and wished me luck. “I’ll open up the g

dark, and I had spent the entire day checking every property owned by Roger

I found a way to sneak into the parking lots to see if I could reco

e in a different light than I had seen it before, but all that didn’t seem to

unison to give me a hard time. I was currently a few blocks away from the last pro

teering, I heard a familiar sound and waited. A few moments later, a

s a blend of relief and curiosity washed over me. I kn

h glee to finally see that I was right about him being on one of the properties. Now all I had to do was fo

rite restaurants. This piqued my interest, and I followed closely while maintaining a reasonable distance. I waite

ey let me in without asking for my identity, now as my eyes roamed around the place, I n

lent. I had found a corner in the room where I could watch without bei

en she turned around to show off her ring, I had to fight back the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks. He hadn’t

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