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A Chance At Forever: Chasing His Divorced Love

Chapter 3 Unraveling Ties

Word Count: 1428    |    Released on: 11/05/2024


riented to make sense of it, I struggled to block out the noise coming from the engines of trucks revving i

frightened at the prospect. But a few seconds later, the feeling

seen as the days rolled by. I remembered the terms of the marriage that Rogerio and I had. We

had found someone who was ready to stick with me through thick and thin until he gained access to his inheritance

my parents thrive in before their deaths. ‘If wishes were horses..

life of luxury and affluence, but it couldn’t compensa

worth being married to their son. Given the agreement with Rogerio, I couldn’t tell them that I was actu

attered. I turned my head to the door as a knock pull

d for her to open the door, then step into the room. As she made her way

d she smiled wistfully, th

you should worry about yourself, espe

ern, but I believe I am capable of choosing what thoughts to dwell on. This doesn’t seem like a usual mor

hen hesitated. She lowered her gaze

unds I hear outside my door. I am as curio

’s Signor Roge

Now we only need a minute to ourselves, we could have breakfast toget

ded against it. My gaze landed on the tray she

ed, her voice bare

y husband as well,” I answered, sprinting out of the

y, but I was already out of the roo

as a strange man walked past me in

bags?” I asked, and he stopped in his tracks, loo

ed past me had one thing in common: they were wearing a blue shir

lection; the walls felt bare and different in a way that made me start feeling like something had been taken from me. I followed

or a few minutes before locking gazes with one of the me

wearing the same clothes he had on last night. He turned around and caught me staring

med relieved to be out of there, and for some reason, I envied them. My mind had

opposite direction to avoid whatever was coming. “Are yo

urning to look at the hallway

not how to break it to you properl

nds across his chest. “You can’t be serious

ou mean nothing to me; I don’t want to be here, and you’re

demanded and stepped into the ro

sual to process things, but I’ll give you a quick update: the people you saw in the hallway? Th

thing I’ve done, and I understand it. We can make this work, Rogerio; we could go to therapy, go on a va

obtuse on purpose. Let me clarify something for you: our marriage was an act of convenience. It was


ts of things. I can’t throw you out of the estate; it became yours when we got married

is time. Sign them. If you attempt to contact me without my lawyers present, I will file a restraining order against you or fin

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